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023. kai being an asshole

Kai had always preferred to be alone.

Even way back then, back when he was surrounded by numerous workers, only ever graced with a few loyal people. After being awarded with betrayal from the Villains he offered an alliance with-- he couldn't say that he didn't see it coming.

He simply just didn't expect to fall upon his own shortcomings.

And there, he figured it out as time stopped while he slowly fell from the open sky. The determined look on that hero who managed to bring him down with excessive punches-- he figured that in reality, he didn't really need people. Not when they prove to be inconsistent and constantly changing.

They wouldn't stay. They weren't expected to. And Kai realized that he had enough with that bullshit.

He can't keep people closer than simply acquaintances. Or else the same catastrophe would befell him. He can't even trust his own grandfather in this world, not his father, not even his brother. Not the people who he was born with now.

They say you can't do anything without teamwork, but does it really matter if the team work is one-sided when Kai uses them to his own advantage? He uses people, manipulates them, makes them believe he is more than what he presents himself as. And so far, he fooled enough of them.

When asked if he ever feels guilt for it, he would simply say 'no'. Because in success, there is no room for petty things like remorse. If you want to succeed, you need to be unforgivable-- unreachable. And in his 18 years of existence, he doesn't plan to change, because unlike most people, he is expected to stay. To stay true to his own desires and will.

He can't understand why some people still think in such a naive manner. Crew? Friends? Allies? At the end, there is only yourself to trust. Your closest friend now can shove a knife behind your back, even when you least expect it. So, he can't help but be clueless on why people still persist on the idea of a team.

He forever cannot comprehend how Luffy thinks, or how Dragon thinks-- even Garp. They share a surname but that's about it. That's the extent of what Kai can truly connect with.

Does it ever get lonely to be alone soaring through the sky that is equally as vast as the sea? To face it, the lack of human interaction can sometimes disrupt the way you can function and handle people. However, the lack of socializing can also leave you a clear mind to think for yourself. To think more rationally with time.

And Kai can say that he appreciates the time more than interactions.

But that's just him. Not everyone is expected to be a replica of another, people are surged into different environments and brain capacity-- it is bound to make people differ themselves from each other.

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