made this on july ?? ( chapter )

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Chapter 18 - kimizuki shihou wannabe



"I'm not marrying him." Eiko stated "Dear, you have to" Mother Tsukishima said "No, not to be rude but instead of 'Tsukki' and I getting married just make them get married" Eiko points to Kei and I, 'cut it out!' I mouthed to her

'no!' she replied while smiling innocently "As I was saying, I will not take this offer. Sorry and Goodbye. Let's go!" She motions to us before leaving

We both follow her "Uh Eiko, what the actual fuck?!" I exclaimed "Yeah, Eiko what the fuck? My mom's gonna pour all her anger on me!" Kei joins in, she finally turns to us "Mcexcuse me! You two should be grateful. And as if I'll marry this kimizuki shihou wannabe, disgusting mf" She rolled her eyes. I can't help but laugh at her statement "Y/n! You too!?" He exclaimed

"Shut up Kimizuki Shihou wannabe!" I laugh again, he just rolls his eyes. We kept on walking until Eiko infront of a hotel. "Here is our destination!" She exclaimed

"Eiko- this is a hotel." I said "You don't think I know that?! We'll be staying here for a day because there is a possibility that Tsukishima won't be welcomed in his house right now" Eiko replied

We enter the hotel, it's so fancy OMG! We all stare at the hotel in awe "Okay, I already reserved rooms while we were walking" She said

"I made a reservation, it goes under the name of Eiko Otsuka" Eiko said as she walked up to the staff( idk- )

"I see, 2 rooms?" The staff asked, she nodded. The staff hands Eiko the 2 keys to the rooms "Here Y/n and Tsukki!" She hands us one key, I scrunch my nose in confusion "Shouldn't I be staying with you?" I asked her

"No, I don't have enough money for 3 rooms?!" she said "Then I'll pay for mi-" I reason "No. You're sharing a room with me" Tsukki grabs my wrist and goes to the elevator which was later on followed by Eiko.

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