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Hi guys, i think i'll be going hiatus? Im sorry but please don't be disappointed i'll try my best to quicken my break. I just really can't deal with anything anymore( right now ). I'm done with life, i even have my letters for my family to read when yknow. I know i said i wouldn't use my mental health as a break but right now what i use to find so simple for me turns into a challenge ( getting out of bed, writing, brushing my teeth etc. )

This hiatus, i'll try to find myself, focus on myself, putting myself first and more. I want you all to know that i'm very thankful for all the support you've given all throughout, thank you so much for 12k reads. You guys don't know how happy you make me feel. But for now i have to go, just for awhile. Dw, i'll try to come back :)

And my reminder for all of you, always take care of yourself. Live life to the fullest coz you never know when you'll lose it <\3

P.S. this book will not be discontinued (only hiatus) unless further notice

( early birds face rev MEJEJIDJS i'll delete in 10 mins )

too late :)

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