Episode 14!!

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*Quinton wake up*

*You and Josh are sleeping*



Q:I want Mac and Cheese!!

U:Blake is downstairs....

Q:No, his Mac and Cheese is terrible!!

J:Wait I will make you Mac and Cheese later!!



*Josh make Mac and Cheese for Quinton*

Q:Thank you!!!

J:You're welcome!!

*You go to the fridge*



*He grab his bottle(filling with blood)*

*You take it*

B:No!! Get your own!!

*You drink it*

B:That's mine!!


B:Give it back!!


J:Blake let her!!

B:She needs to hunt!!

*You drink more*

Q:Why is red?

U:Fruit punch!!

Q:Ooo I want some!!

U:No!! Eat your mac and cheese!!

Q:You say it is a fruit punch!!

U:With alcohol you can't drink it!!!

Q:Darn it!!

*He eat his Mac and Cheese*

~Skip to 5 years later you and Josh took the cure and are no longer vampires you and Josh are married and have no kids but 2 dogs named Layla and Jack~

~The end~

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