Chapter 2: i can't make you love me

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"Okay... so let me get this straight," I spoke, taking a deep breath, "Nilson is Zack?, Dweck is Nilson? And the other guy is Dweck?!",So apparently, I've mixed their name.

The one Alisa tried to murder, was actually not named Nilson, but Zack! And the one I thought was Dweck, is actually Nilson!... And this leaves us with Mr.invisible being Dweck...

Don't blame me! In my defense they Are new transfers, besides that, its hard to remember names, when you've got a lot going on your head.

"Yah, dummy," Alisa murmured, as she was doing some stretches, "Now come here and stretch this stiff body of yours!" Alisa demanded with her creepy voice, that could shake the heavens and earth.

I flinched and quickly got up from my seat,"Okay okay, chill out women...", I started stretching my god damn stiff hamstrings.

"Ouch!.." I moaned by the unbearable pain, I think my muscles are gonna tear apart! Help... me!

"You can't even do a half bend?!" Alisa started to giggle,"YOU CANT EVEN TOUCH YOUR KNEES!" She stated as she laughed hysterically, and she literally started to 'Rofl'.

I received some weird looks from my classmates asking 'Is she okay?'... No, she is not! She need to see a psychiatrist!

Even our PE teacher, Mr.Brown, gave me a confused look.

"She is okay! She is just smelling the fresh grass!" I yelled, he probably didn't hear, so I showed him a thumbs up to tell him she's fine.

Its the last period now, Mr.Brown have made us run the feild 10 times with no mercy at all! So I layed down on the neat grass next to Alisa, to get some rest.

"Your the best friend I've ever got, you know that right?" Alisa Muttered, out of the blue.

"Why do you say it like I'm some kind of a pet you got for your birthday?" I jocked,"What can I do I'm very lovable,"

Alisa punched my arms 'playfully' as I chuckled, and we just stared at the clear blue skies.

"CUT IT OUT YOU TWO LOVE BIRDS AND STRECH SOME ASS!" A familiar male voice exclaimed. Probably, It was directed to us.

"Better not be him...", Alisa huffed annoyed, as we simultaneously get off the ground. "He's dead," Alisa stated as she saw It was Zack,(the one she tried to stab).

Yup, he's a dead meat. "IT WAS NICE TO MEET YOU!" I yelped, as Alisa started to sprint furiously toward him.

Zack stumbled on his foot, but quickly managed to get up and run to save his life.

How old is he? Six?

...and here I am, standing alone *cough cough*... Awkward...


'Cause I can't make you love me if you don't
You can't make your heart feel something it won't
Here in the dark, in these final hours
I will lay down my heart and I'll feel the power
But you won't, no you won't
'Cause I can't make you love me, if you don't


I can't make you love me' by Bonnie Raitt, a depressing song of the 90's, was playing as I opened the front door.

"Look! My little B*tch is back!," My mom welcomed me, with her heart warming greeting, "Want some tequila?" She offered, raising an empty bottle of liquor, "Oops! my bad, I've finished it."

I sighed, as I close the door behind me. This is my everyday scenario, and I'm used to it... But it somehow manages to break me, Every. Single. Day.

When I was 5, my dad left My mom, saying that she no more looks 'hot' like before and none sense stuff... And you know what she did? She handled it like any strong women would do... She blamed her only child and ordered an endless bottle of tequila, and here she is, 12 years and still alive!

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