Chapter 14

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Lucky for Sonic, the library was only a short jog from his dorm. He arrived just a few minutes till 6:00. Hurrying away from the quickening downpour, he strode into the library. Since he couldn't be bothered to actually own an umbrella, he shook off rain clinging to his spikes, flinging the droplets around him in a wet halo. The tired woman at the front desk gave him a glare as some of the water splashed on the wood beside her. Sonic winced as he caught her eye, cheeks flushing at his puppy-esque move.

Though Shadow might not believe it, it wasn't Sonic's first time in the GHU library. He'd come by to rent a few books in the past, though he'd never actually used it for any other of its intended purposes. Like studying.

Well, I'm a little early, so maybe I should just wait here for Shadow? But he may already be here, in which case I should try and find him? Uggghh, but then I could miss him coming in, and make him think I'm even more careless for being late again.

Instinctively, Sonic reached for his phone to try and text Shadow.

Oh wait, that's right. Captain Crabby hasn't allowed me the privilege of modern social convenience.

He huffed out a breath, annoyed. Sonic liked to think of himself as the least bitter person he knew, but maybe Shadow's coldness was rubbing off on him.

Well. He could go with Plan C, which was just shouting Shadow's name throughout the building until he found him that way. Cupping his hands, he fully intended to act on this impulse, if it weren't for the sound of the library's automatic doors hissing open behind him.

Shadow, knocking off the residual rain from his umbrella, slinked into the library. He looked up, catching Sonic's eyes. A faint twinkle of surprise touched his own. "Sorry I'm late," he mumbled, walking past Sonic.

Sonic checked his phone. It was 6 on the dot. "Whaddya mean? You're right on time," he asked in a hushed voice, feeling a bit vindicated for beating Shadow here. And for the semi-genuine apology.

"If you're on time, you're 10 minutes late," he whispered at Sonic, as he led him towards his usual secluded corner of the library. A few giggles slipped from Sonic without his explicit permission, barely concealing a much deeper laughing fit he was desperately trying to keep quiet.

"Shhhh! What is so funny," Shadow angrily whispered at Sonic, who was now crouching on the ground, hands over his mouth, trying to calm down.

"Ha, haaaah, ha—it's nothing, nothing at all. It's just—" He couldn't let on exactly how adorable he found Shadow's old-fashioned personality. He took a deep breath, holding the straightest face he could muster, "I greatly admire your diligent and responsible personality." Sonic, still holding in his laughter, attempted sincerity through twitching lips.

"...I'm sure you do." Shadow rolled his eyes, and began to unpack his bag. Sonic let out a breath, relieved he hadn't sent Shadow running yet again. But, then again, it's not like he had much of a choice this time.

Sonic slid into the booth Shadow had chosen, hidden in the corner beside the shelves of periodicals—quiet, out of the way, not another student in sight. Fitting, he supposed.

Sonic leaned onto the large table as Shadow pulled out a notebook. "Sooo, partner—" he started playfully, coyly.

Shadow gave another trademark eyeroll. "Please never call me that again."

Sonic shrugged. "Sure thing, buddy." Shadow grabbed the bridge of his nose, the realization of just how long he'd have to put up with this finally sinking in. "So, what's our attack plan?"

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