Chapter 10

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Shadow's leg bounced anxiously as he shifted in the uncomfortable, creaky wooden chair in the library cafe. He eyed the papers strewn across the small table as he took a sip of his americano, wincing at the cold, bitter taste of the mediocre brew. Two weeks into the semester and he could already feel the oppressive weight of papers and syllabi threatening to crash down around him.

Lab reports, papers, research projects, massive midterms—

His gaze fell to the extensive home-ec task list looming at the top of his pile. God, now he had that bullshit to contend with. And being partnered with that Sonic asshole—

Nope. No. There was no way he was wasting any more time on that careless idiot. He looked to his hastily scribbled medical notes... He had bigger things to worry about.

He bit back a sigh. Group work was the bane of his existence in normal circumstances. And there was no way a freeloader like Sonic was going to help—at least not willingly. It wasn't worth the trouble. If nothing else, Shadow would do what he had always done—he would handle it. The sooner this project was done and the sooner he got that blue nuisance out of his life, the better.


"Are you going to keep staring at that brooding asshole or are you going to make those caramel macchiato orders I gave you?"

Silver jumped as Blaze's voice piped up suddenly behind him. He frowned indignantly, trying to swallow his embarrassment, but he could already feel his cheeks heating up in spite of himself. "I wasn't—"

Blaze cut him off with a knowing side-eye. "Oh, shut up. I've seen you make those lovesick puppy dog eyes at him for years. You've had that crush on him since Psych I."

Silver didn't bother responding, stepping around his co-worker and busying himself with the espresso machine in hopes to escape the conversation.

But Blaze was nothing if not persistent, sidling up beside him and leaning against the counter. She checked herself out in the metallic side of the whirring espresso machine, adjusting the tufts of purple fur tied up in her signature ponytail before continuing her crusade. "Y'know, you could...I don't to him?"

Silver scoffed as he dumped caramel syrup into the cafe's bland cardboard cups. "Please, like that would work."

Blaze rolled her eyes. "You don't know that."

"C'mon, Blaze. I may be optimistic, but I'm also a realist. Shadow's way too brooding and mysterious. I'm nowhere near his type."

"Aw come on, you're charming," she said, tapping a finger on his nose. "I mean, I like you."

"You're my best friend. You don't count," he responded dryly as he carefully finished off the drinks with drizzles of caramel.

Blaze put a hand to her chest and gasped in mock-offense. "How dare you?"

Silver sighed as he slid the cups down the counter and called the names of the gaggle of privileged airheads that ordered them. "You know what I mean," he mumbled as soon as they were out of earshot.

Blaze pulled the lever to let out the steam on the espresso machine as she watched Silver's gaze gradually slide back over to Shadow. "Listen, I know talking to people is the worst thing in the world, but you gotta put yourself out there. People appreciate boldness. That's how I rope in the ladies." She throws a wink in his direction, smirking.

"You and Amy met online. That's different."

"But I messaged her first. And look at us now—two years strong."

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