Chapter 11

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Sonic adjusted his backpack as he strode through the small campus quad, cutting across the grass in an attempt at finding a shortcut to his next class—which he was already late for. But he could at least try not to double that time.

The professor pointedly ignored Sonic as he stepped into home ec, having long-since given up on calling the hedgehog out for his lateness. Sonic's quick pace paused as he reached his place at the back of the room. His eyes landed on Shadow's desk—empty. His brows furrowed as he slid into his seat and glanced up at the slowly-ticking clock. 12:10. And Shadow still wasn't here.

The guy hadn't missed a class as far as Sonic could remember. He had tried to get in contact with the dark hedgehog outside of class—considering they had a whole project to do together—but he never got Shadow's number, and couldn't find the guy on any social media sites. (Not that he was surprised on that front; Shadow looked like he hadn't touched the internet since the fall of MOL—Mobius Online.) He'd wanted to ask again last week, but Sonic had learned better than to provoke Shadow during class.

He supposed that he should be relieved in the absence of his brooding counterpart, but some form of anxiety was biting at his brain. Shadow seemed like the kind of guy to always be on time—hell, Sonic wouldn't be surprised if he showed up 15 minutes early. But to not only be late, but later than Sonic...something about that threw him off. His gaze drifted back to the front of the room, attempting to at least semi-focus on the professor's monotonous tone, but his brain kept thinking of Shadow, of where he might be.

Maybe he's sick. Everybody gets sick. Or maybe it's worse. What if

The knob on the classroom door slowly turned with a small click. Shadow slipped into the room. Silent, head down, he walked as quickly as he could to his place in the back, sliding into his seat like nothing had happened. Even the professor showed a brief flicker of confusion at Shadow's tardiness before he continued droning.

Sonic felt his stomach untwist as Shadow took his place beside him. At least he's not dead. But, even still, the pinpricks of worry wouldn't cease—something had to be wrong. His eyes drifted to Shadow's form. He looked...haggard, almost physically slumping in his seat.

Sonic wanted to ask—felt that he should at least check on the guy—but Shadow kept his gaze resolutely forward, and he had no way in. He sighed. Well, if silence is what Shadow wants...

He looked back towards the professor again, trying to pay attention, trying to leave well enough alone, but his mind kept wandering to everything that could be wrong with Shadow, crafting a number of worrisome narratives.

Surely he doesn't hate me enough to start actively avoiding the class itself. Right?

Eventually, the hour came to a close with the sharp sound of chairs scraping against linoleum. Sonic blinked out of his daze as he saw backpacks being thrown over shoulders. It took him a moment to follow suit.

"Ah," the professor exclaimed, making most pause where they stood. "Before you leave, please leave your first project assignment on my desk please—the budgeting plan for your mock-household."

Shit. Sonic went wide-eyed. He had completely forgotten that that was due today. Oh man, what am I supposed to do now? Maybe I can get with Shadow and we can explain to the professor that—

He glanced towards his partner to try and talk with him, come up with a plan, but Shadow was already striding towards the front of the room, placing the assignment on top of the pile on the corner of the desk, and leaving after a vague nod from the professor.

Wait, did he

Sonic dashed out the door, just barely catching Shadow out in the hallway, grasping his wrist before he disappeared around the corner. Shadow whipped around in surprise before his gaze grew cold again.

"Why must you accost me after class so often," he said flatly, jerking his hand away.

Sonic ran nervous fingers through his quills. "We were supposed to work on that together," He pleaded, trying to keep Shadow from leaving. "I mean, I know it's only a budget, but it's a partner project, remember? And I can't really pull my own weight if you don't even let me in on the work!"

Shadow frowned. "As if you'd even do it," he muttered. "I filled it out as I assume you would have. It's easy to assume where a person like you would put their financial priorities."

Annoyed now, Sonic put his hands on his hips. "Huh, you seem to do an awful lot of assuming. Ever consider, I don't know, taking a few minutes to actually talk to me? Then, if you still decide I'm as much of a 'lazy miscreant' as you think I am, have at it—hate me all you want. But you can't just keep painting me as the bad guy here."

Sighing, Shadow tried to rub the exhaustion out of his eyes. He knew Sonic was right, but he was disgusted at the thought of letting him be right. "Look, I have to get to work. Please, it'll be much faster and beneficial for us both if you just let me do our assignments."

"It will also result in you both failing this class."

Both of the hedgehogs turned to find their home-ec professor standing behind them, pulling the classroom door shut and fixing the two bickering students with a stern look.

"The whole point of this semester long project, I thought I had made clear, is to learn how to balance a household. Regardless of your intentions for the future, or your feelings towards each other, I expect both of you to complete the given assignments together."

Pulling out the budget Shadow had turned in, the professor held it out towards the two. "I'll give you two the weekend to work this out together. Submit it again by class on Monday. Alright?"

Shadow, too tired to seethe, gave a cold, "Yes sir." The professor looked expectantly at Sonic, who hadn't picked up on the fact that he too was supposed to answer. A quick jab to the side from Shadow was a big enough hint.

"Uh, yeah, absolutely. Thanks, uh, sir." Smooth, Sonic. Real smooth.

Satisfied for now, the professor left the two—Sonic rubbing his neck in embarrassment, Shadow holding his temple, staring at the ceiling—hoping they could resolve this matter cleanly.

"Sooooo, what's your schedule like?" Sonic asked coyly, hoping this was a reasonable enough question. It seemed as though Shadow had lost some of his bite. He wasn't up to ripping Sonic's comments to shreds, which at least seemed like progress.

"...Full. Honestly, this is why I'd prefer to work on it alone. I work most everyday as it is, and barely have any free time to speak of." Sonic sheepishly looked away, trying to choose his words a little more carefully. Shadow looked like he already had one foot in the grave and Sonic desperately didn't want to do anything that might push him further away.

"Which is exactly why you should let me help. My schedule is pretty open. I usually have track practices in the mornings, but I'm free most afternoons. Y'know, if I don't have class or anything."

Shadow, even now, couldn't muster up enough disgust at Sonic's cavalier attitude. He desperately needed to get to work.

"Saturday. 6 p.m. Library. Don't be late, and be prepared. I finished it in less than an hour, so I expect us to be done before 7 if you keep up with me. Understood?" Sonic beamed at finally getting a chance to prove to Shadow he could actually do something, counter to Shadow's deepening scowl.

"You got it! But before you leave, we really should exchange numb-" before he could even pull out his phone, Shadow had disappeared. Aaaaaand, he's gone again.

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