Rest In Peace

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The soft breaths of (Y/n)'s breathing was heard in his room, still fast asleep. Both twins had cleaned him up and put him in comfortable clothes, before doing the same for themselves. (Y/n) would probably be asleep for the whole day, his body exhausted.

"CAW CAW! MISSION FOR TOKITO-SAMAS! HEAD SOUTH! CAW CAW!" The twin's shared crow, Ginko, announced. Both twins didn't want to leave (Y/n), but they had no choice, they still had a job to do, regardless of what had occurred.

They gently kissed (Y/n)'s forehead again and got up to leave. Muichiro had soiled his uniform, so he had to steal his brothers spare, luckily they're roughly the same size in clothes.

Their katanas were also there, and slipped them into their belts, before heading out...

"And where do you two think you're doing?" A very ominous voice asked, the voice deep. Both twins recognized that voice... Gyomei.

The Alpha towered over their forms, standing at 7'2", so VERY tall.

Now both twins didn't usually get nervous, but when a bulky, 7'2" male stood over you, with a WEAPON, yeah, they're pretty scared.

"That's what I was about to ask." A certain Sound Pillar came up the road to the Stone Estate. His gem headband glimmering in the light, his fuchsia eyes narrowed in anger. He too had his two swords in hand, his face in a cold sneer, despite his upbeat sounding tone.

"Seems you beat me to it." The Serpent Pillar came from the trees, his katana drawn. His heterochromatic eyes were narrowed like a snake, Kaburamaru hissing at them.

"Really? This is what we come back too from a mission? How disappointing." A female voice said, which came a sighing Shinobu, and a Mitsuri right next to her.

"I'm going to kill you." A certain no-browed (salami) Sanemi came up from nowhere behind the twins, his katana ready to slice them up.

The Twins were powerful for sure...but facing 6 other Pillars by themselves wouldn't be easy, if not an impossible task. Not to mention they're all pissed, and one of them are about double their size, one of them being almost triple.

"That is going to be my job Sanemi, put these two sad souls down for their sinful actions against my son."Gyomei raised his Kusarigama, angry/sad tears flowing down his face.

"What are you all talking about?" Muichiro wasn't really paying attention, or that's what it seemed like.

"Don't play innocent, we know what you two did to (Y/n)." Tengen scowled in anger.

"Yeah so what, made we beat you guys to it?" Yuichiro taunted, already planning a way out. Now all the Alphas and Betas alike were about to kill each other, or at least two of them.

It was silent, the twins silently taunting them to do something.

Obanai was the first to move, "Total Concentration Serpent Breathing, Third Form, Coil Choke!" He circled the twins.

Both twins drew their katanas at lighting speed, "Total Concentration Mist Breathing, Seventh Form, Obscuring Clouds." Both twins muttered in sync, mist and fog starting to flood the area.

Once moment the twins were in front of them, then they were next to Sanemi, moving at snails pace, before they were gone and right next to Tengen.

"Enough of these games!" Tengen said annoyed, "Total Concentration Sound Breathing, Fourth Form, Constant Resounding Slashes." Tengen quickly released bombs.

"No you idiot! That'll make more smoke!" Shinobu quickly whipped out her katana. "Total Concentration Insect Breathing, Dance of the Centipede!" Shinobu quickly ran through the mist, her speed intense enough to clear mist as

"You're all idiots." Gyomei gripped his Kusarigama, "Total Concentration Stone Breathing, Fifth Form, Arches of Justice." He threw them in the air.

There was now smoke, mist, fog, and deafening sounds coming from the Stone Estate.










"What is going on?" A soft voice asked. All Pillars halted their movements, revealing Shinobu on Sanemi's back, pulling his ear, Obanai holding Tengen's signature headband, Tengen with a snake coiled around his arm, Mitsuri standing next to Gyomei, who was holding the twins by the collar of their uniforms.

"(Y/n)-kun!" Mitsuri tan to (Y/n), pulling him to her. His face was in her chest, his face flushing from where he was.

"Ohayo Mitsuri-san." (Y/n) flushed profusely.

"What did those two do to you?" She cried, checking him all over.

"I'm fine." He assured, "Just a bit sore." He muttered.

Gyomei's grip got tighter on the twin's collars, "Well then we'll take you to rest." Shinobu got off Sanemi's back, Sanemi rubbing his sore ear.

"I want to cuddle all of you." (Y/n) whined, drowsiness coming upon him again.

"You all go, I need to talk to the twins." Gyomei turned around.

"Rest In Peace Tokito Twins."

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