Natagumo Mountain

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Author-San actually really likes this arc! :) (not that you care)

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(Y/n) ended up leaving the wisteria house before the trio, and leaving to the Stone Estate to rest.

At estate

"Hime-San I'm back!" (Y/n) announced walking in the estate. Gyomei was praying (ofc) on the tatami floor, when he got up to go to (Y/n).

"Welcome back (Y/n)." Gyomei said slightly happy (Y/n) was okay. "How was your mission?" Gyomei asked gently.

"I went to some tsuzumi mansion, and ended up fighting the ex-lower 6 moon. The demon broke my ribs, but I rested at a Wisteria House, so I'm fine now. Plus during all of this I met 2 alphas and a beta, they were all weird." (Y/n) said thinking back on what happened. Gyomei got worried hearing he got hurt, but felt better when he said he went to a Wisteria House.

"Well Giyu-San has requested you go to a emergency meeting with Kocho-San, Tsuyuri-San, and himself." Gyomei said. Gyomei had to give consent to let them take his tsuguko, but Gyomei wanted to asked what (Y/n) wanted to do.

"Hm when is it?" (Y/n) asked.

Gyomei paused, "If you want to do it, you better go now." (Y/n)'s eyes widened hearing this and quickly said goodbye to gyomei before rushing off to the Ubuyashiki Estate.

At Ubuyashiki Estate

(Y/n) was panting by the time he reached the estate, he straightened himself out, then knocked on the door.

Ubuyashiki Kiriya, the next head of the Demon Slayer Corp, was the one who opened the door.

"Hello (Y/n)-kun." Kiriya said, trying not to blush seeing his long time crush. (Y/n) has gone to this estate many times, so (Y/n) had spent a lot of time with Kiriya and his family.

(Y/n) smiled brightly, almost blinding the slightly younger alpha, "Hi Kiriya-kun! I'm here for the meeting!" Kiriya nodded, hearing about the meeting and who to expect showing up. Kiriya led (Y/n) to the engawa, where (Y/n) saw Shinobu, Giyu, and Kanao sitting on the tatami floor. Along with Oyakata-sama was holding a crow in his embrace, and was reading a bloody note. (Y/n) sat down silently next to Giyu, not wanting to disturb Oyakata-sama. He didn't notice how Giyu's awkward persona was taking place, seeing as (Y/n) was sitting so close to him.

"I see, you worked hard to get this note here. And a lot of my cute swordsmen are getting slaughtered... seems I need to dispatch some hashira... Giyu, Shinobu I entrust this mission to you, my cute swordsmen." Oyakata-sama said. (Y/n) was slightly intimidated by the alpha's presence, but knew Oyakata-sama was very kind and gentle to (Y/n).

"Of course Oyakata-sama." Giyu and Shinobu said in sync.

Outside Ubuyashiki Estate

"Wouldn't it be great if demons and humans got along Tomioka-San, (Y/n)-kun?" Shinobu asked the other two males.

(Y/n) looked at Shinobu, and looked to the sky deep in thought, "I don't know... it depends on the demon." (Y/n) answered thinking about Nezuko and how he didn't mind the female omega. Shinobu seemed satisfied with the answer, while Giyu said a flat out no.

"I shall go west, you continue." Shinobu instructed. Giyu nodded, and kept running with (Y/n) trialing right behind him.

"YOU WILL NEVER SEVERE ME AND NEZUKO'S BOND EVER!" They heard a male voice yell. (Y/n) and Giyu both ran to where the voice came from, to see a male with a checkered haori about to sliced up by a blood demon art.

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