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Driving home from the 925 Building felt like driving with wheels full of shrapnels. I was actually thinking if I just saw the real thing, or if I was dreaming. I filmed the whole scene, or maybe it was just a part of it and then saved it, not to use it against my husband but to clarify what I just saw.

I know it's not like him who will walk away from something, or someone who wants to talk. But then it just wasn't clear to me as to why they needed to. And what did they talk about?

Pooh and Lilo woke up just as we arrived home. Ahjumma was just silent the whole time, and I am just fortunate that she really doesn't meddle with our personal matters. There are a few times when I talk to her, but it's only regarding the things we do at home, and sometimes her family.

'Eomma, where is Appa?' Pooh asked as he tried to unbuckle his car seat belt with his cute hands.

'Babylove, Eomma will do that,' I said as I stepped out of the driver's seat and opened the door closest to his side. He stayed on his seat and as I unbuckled him, he posed the question the second time.

'Eomma, where is Appa?' he asked. I have decided to tell him something otherwise earlier on the way home.

'Appa is still in the office, babylove. He needs to do something really important. Can we have dinner together instead?' I asked him as I fixed his hair. My son looked at me with doubting eyes but then he nodded. He went down and grabbed my hand and asked me to enter the house, where Lilo and ahjumma had already gone in.

I smiled at Pooh and I actually felt a bit guilty about what I said. But I thought that it would be better than telling him something which I was not sure of.

I asked myself, why did this happen when we just resolved our previous misunderstanding?

I shared dinner with Pooh after I washed him and his sister up. Ahjumma stayed with us as well. Lilo was in a good mood while Stitch was staying beside her carrier. We shared some stories and Pooh told me he wants to make pancakes for his Appa.

'But babylove, pancakes are best eaten at breakfast. Do you want to make that when he is here instead?' I said. Pooh nodded and went on to finish his dinner. But I could sense ahjumma was a bit worried so I looked at her and smiled.

'Yejinssi, I will clean this here, you can go and rest,' she said after we had our dinner.

'Oh no, ahjumma, I can do this. Why don't you bring the kids to the TV room and watch some movies?' I asked her, smiling.

As a woman, I know she felt something else but chose to not tell me about it. But as she squeezed my hand, I realized that my hunch was right.

'Just talk about it, you two, okay?' she said, as she went with the kids and Stitch. I was left in the kitchen cleaning up and making some hot chocolate to help me clear my mind. Somehow the sweetness of the beverage helps release oxytocins and make me feel at ease.

Few minutes later, as soon as I sat down on my chair at our dining table, I heard Bin's car pull over. I straightened myself and closed my eyes. I wanted to ask him the right questions and not allow my emotions to surge, since I know I can't handle it the way I would have normally done so.

I checked my phone for the video I took of them earlier and it was then that I noticed his missed calls and message. I read it, and even when I know it's my favorite street food, I can't find myself excited for it. I only wanted to see my husband and talk to him. Rather, I want him to talk to me about what happened.

His familiar Creed scent lingered as he entered the foyer, and I felt my heart beat faster. I haven't felt this way in a long time, well probably the last time I had this was when I was walking down the aisle for the first time. It beat faster for a different reason then, and it beat the same way now but only for another reason.

SYJ x HB : The Stories Behind (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now