Matango (mushroom people)

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MatangoThey're often seen as absent minded and very odd as the fungus parasite messes with the host's brain causing unusual behavior

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They're often seen as absent minded and very odd as the fungus parasite messes with the host's brain causing unusual behavior.

Matangos are fungus human hybrids, there's a fungus that lives in it's hosts. During the full moon it releases spours that when breathed in by a newborn baby it'd take over the young host. Often causing the skin to turn redish and many other colors, hair thin and plant like, their eyes look toxic.

It is said the fungus parasite takes life in the brain and influence the host in finding things like water, sunlight and the perfect reproduction partner, their parasite counter part can even release pheromones to attract their ideal partner and to elicit a sexual response in the other.

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