Part IV - "The world we believe in"

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Part IV - "The world we believe in"

 The next day we gathered again at the magnolia, we sat by the tree and listened to what our first mission would be.

 Magnolia: "A total of five enemies are preparing to destroy the human race for various reasons." Rea: "Only? Phew, five of us, five of them, at least we'll do it easily." Magnolia: "Unfortunately, it is not so easy, it will take effort and time. Their appearance will come chronologically, so you will fight one by one."Amora:" Who is first? Will it be difficult?" Magnolia: "The first is fairy Selina - she is located in Australia, which is a sparsely populated area, hidden from people there. Her desire is to completely restore nature from what pollutes and destroys it by destroying the species she considers responsible for it." Harmony:" Oh, then she is not a villain if she wants the well-being of this planet!" Magnolia: "She believes that people are to blame for the collapse of the planet. She wants to remove the homosapiens species completely." Harmony (folds her lips with her hand): "That's too much already. " Me (quietly): "No wonder she wants that, the human species has done a lot of damage to the planet." Magnolia: "It is possible that there is an army of other fairies, be prepared for that. That's why I mentioned that it will not be easy, regardless of your powers." Makena: "With good tactics, nothing will be a problem."

 We were sitting in a cafe waiting for a warning to appear on the Team Blume ring we received from Magnolia, that Selina had left her hiding place. We ordered drinks: Makena took coffee, Rea beer, Amora juice, Harmony and I took a cup of tea. Rea (begins): "So, what do any of you is interested in, how do you live and things like that?" Harmony: "I'm an environmental activist, I'm vegan and I'm committed to peace and freedom of life." Me: "It's wonderful, I'm not an activist myself but I support it all." Amora (Harmony): "So you're more for some new ideologies that have been imposed in recent decades. (drinks a sip of juice) I'm for traditional methods. In the first place, I believe that the family is the basis of everything, and that is our main purpose in life." Me: "And that's right, every species is planted to leave offspring, that's how our planet still survives. Although I do not plan to start a family, I understand that concept."

 Makena: "I believe that the world is based on logic. Science is what will bring the world to a whole new dimension." Harmony: "More like to a complete doom, most of the things that have been created so far have done more harm to the environment than contributed to progress." Makena: "But that's why civilization has progressed, look how much the world has changed in the last two hundred years!" Me: "You're both right. I believe that science can really create a lot of useful things, it should just be directed in different directions - just as something is detrimental, there must be something to the contrary for the sake of balance." Amora: "But science destroys what is natural, it goes against the natural order!" I: "I think that the very existence of the human intellect already goes beyond the natural order. I agree with you, because science sometimes plays too much with things that are part of nature, such as cloning, and I agree with Harmony that progress brings certain problems in the balance of animate and inanimate worlds, but also with Makena that science contributes to improvement on the other side and that logic is as important as instincts." Rea: "I believe that you have to fight for what you want in an aggressive way - in history, revolutionaries are mentioned the most, they are the ones who change the world, not those who believe in peace. (looks at Harmony) So many military leaders and warriors and only a few people like Gandhi, how do you explain that, peacemaker?" Harmony:" Because people don't want to resolve conflicts peacefully, it's easier for them to quarrel." Me: "For some reason it is so, it seems to be related to the instinct for survival. When we feel threatened, we attack as a defense, but at least the human species does not have to strictly follow that instinct, so we are given logic - people can do awful things in anger, so they are given logic to alleviate anger and prevent potential catastrophes." Harmony: "But does it really have to be a constant conflict between people? " Rea: "You don't seem to know what kind of society we live in." Makena: "That's right, although sometimes even logic can't control primary emotions." Amora: "Like when you fall in love with the wrong person and you know you can't convince yourself it's not good for you." Makena (looks at me): "What kind of world do you believe in? What do you care about, Lilith?" Me: "I don't have the feeling that the world is real, as if everything, including my life, is some imaginary world in which we are all lost. I'm interested in art, philosophy and psychology." Rea: "But this is reality, how can you spend your life in something that doesn't exist? There are such great things on this planet, do you miss them too? " Me: "I missed too much, but it doesn't matter to me anymore."

 Amora: "How are you going with the love plan?" Makena: "I just started seeing one young man, we'll see how it goes. You?"Amora: "I've been in a relationship for a year and a half, it seems to me that we have a chance for more." Harmony: "I'm still looking for my soulmate, although I wouldn't mind being surrounded by animals when I get old. I'd like that for sure." Rea: "I'm bored with relationships. Sometimes I just find someone for one night, but I don't have the nerve for those ceremonies and commitments." Amora: "Then how are you going to start a family?" Rea (takes a sip of beer): "I won't. I don't want such obligations in life." Amora (surprised): "One day you'll be sorry ..." Rea: "I won't. Life is too short to regret it." Amora (looks at me): "And you?" I (look at the table): "Something like Rea, only the reasons are different. Apart from those one-night stands, I'm for the "I'm not interested in things like that "system ." Rea (winks): "Then you have to try." Me: "I'll skip it, but thank you." Amora: "But how are you going to spend your life alone ..." Me: "I'm going to die soon anyway, I hope so. (Everyone looks at me) It doesn't matter."

 The announcement that it was time to fight saved me from embarrassing situation, so we got up and found a peaceful place for transformation and teleportation.

 We found ourselves in relatively warm Australia, which was a mild shock to the body compared to our temperatures, but there was no time to discuss it because a handful of fairies appeared in front of us, led by Selina. She had long lilac hair, a blue skirt and a green top, boots, two bracelets and a necklace in a golden shade and fairy wings. We were in dresses of the same cut and different colors, only our were hairstyles differed: Makena had an afro hairstyle, Rea had her hair combed back, Amora had two small buns on the top of her head, Harmony had two braids and I had a palm bun with two strands pulled forward. We could not activate the wings yet, but we had three powers to fight.

 Yellow Dandelion (looks at the fairies in amazement): "Wow... They're beautiful!" Red Carnation: "We're here to fight them, remember?" Yellow Dandelion: "Is there any chance that we can just convince them not to destroy the world instead of hurting them? I don't want to hurt them. " Me: "We'll try diplomacy, but I wouldn't have much hope of that. "

 We stood in front of Selina, the leader of the fairies. Me: "We come in peace, our goal is not to hurt you. Is there a way to peacefully prevent the destruction of the human species?" Selina: "Will they stop exploiting the land, polluting the water and soil? " Me: "I couldn't guarantee that for all of humanity." Pink Tulip: "Blue Rose, that statement will not lead us to the goal ..." Me: "I can't lie to her. We all know that won't change." Selina:" Will people stop keeping animals locked up in a small space and exploit everything these little creatures have, will they stop treating them as if their lives are worthless? " Yellow Dandelion: "Unfortunately, most likely not." Selina: "Will they stop destroying the bones and bowels of our planet in search of what they call treasure, fuel or ores?" White Hyacinth: "The world would perish without it!" Selina: "So will the human species perish, even before they destroy the Earth! (flies up)

 Red Carnation (looks at us): "We turned out to be the villains in this story. (shrugs)" I (sighed): "Although she's right, we can't let her put the plan into action. I hate to say this, but it's time to fight.'

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