Chapter Four: Stepping Lightly

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Alright. It's showtime. I got this.

Hawks stopped, hand hovering over the doorknob leading him out of his room. Out of the comfort of a student and into...what the teachers wanted him to be.

A double agent.

A spy.

...I don't got this.

Hawks dropped back onto his bed, covering his face with an arm as he tried to breathe. I'll be okay. They probably won't even let me in. I can just move on with my life, right?


I feel sick.

A knock at the door shook Hawks from his thoughts.

He dragged himself into a sitting position. "Come in." Hawks didn't really expect anyone special, most likely Nemuri here to ask to copy his notes due to passing out during math class again.

So his heart jumped a bit when Enji carefully stepped in.

Enji was wearing a workout shirt and some shorts-probably ran here the weirdo-but it didn't look like he'd been training with his quirk in the gym due to the lack of ash on his clothes.

Hawks quickly straightened his back a bit more. "Hey, Enji, what are you doing here...?"

Enji slowly looked around a bit, his lips twisting before his eyes landed on Hawks. "We need to talk."

Shit! That's never good to hear! "" Hawks tried to play laid back, the silent screaming in his head needing desperately to be contained.

Enji sighed as he sat on the edge of Hawks bed. "I...I've noticed that recently...that you've been avoiding me." Enji shot a glare Hawks way before he could open his mouth. "And don't say you aren't. I'm not stupid, and you're picking someone you've never spoken to before this to escape so you're not being smooth."

Hawks quickly scoffed. "I-I wasn't-well yeah I was but-" Shit, he apparently isn't in lala land as deep as I thought.

"We've been friends for a long time. I don't know what's going on, and if you don't want to tell me...I'll understand." Enji scowled. "I'll be pissed but I'll understand. Just stop-stop avoiding me."

Hawks chest hurt. He noticed, he noticed and he's upset-

But I can't, I can't I can't I can't-

"I'll-uh-I'll try." Hawks glanced at the clock and winced. Well this is gonna look convincing. "But uh...I know this doesn't add to my case or whatever but I need to go."

Enji's face twisted and for a heart aching moment Hawks could see just how upset he was. But just as soon as it was there Enji's face was schooled back into a mask. "Right." Enji stood up stiffly. "Whatever. Have fun."

Hawks bit his tongue, the urge to stop Enji almost unbearable as he watched him leave. I'm sorry.

As soon as Enji was gone Hawks snatched up his jacket and quickly half jogged out of his room, sliding down the handrail to the main level to speed up his progress. Time to go and see if I live or die I guess. Hawks stomach churned and he was grateful that he'd decided against grabbing a snack earlier to calm his nerves because he was positive it wouldn't have stayed down.

The alleged meeting place was a grim place, his wings starting to bristle of their own accord. The cold shadow of the bridge above them and the lack of any nearby sounds made it feel too abandoned for Hawks liking.

This isn't just a trap to murder me right? Hawks swallowed as he looked at the scrap of paper he'd found. The location is right...and I managed to still make it on time.

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