Chapter One: Rocky Path

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Before we start...

Hello! Welcome to this story! This is the second book and sequel to Burnt Hands Warm Hearts the other MHA book I wrote here.

Some things to get us started!
1)This is an au! And in true au fashion I went as far as my brain wanted. This means a lot of weirdness, for instance, in this au Enji is siblings with Todoroki and co rather then the father, he still has isolated himself from them via lashing out but is working to fix it(read previous fic along with the one shot book for more details). So characters like Enji, Hawks, and Yagi are all the same age but are a year or so older then the actual gang from the show.
2)This is in fact a planned crack ship fic with the crack ship being treated seriously, if it's not for you I completely understand as I don't even get how I got this.
3)This is a rewrite, the original draft of this was a mess and frankly awful, so I'm trying to spiffy it up and make it readable.
4)I am actually not really a part of the mha fandom anymore, I just kinda lost interest so some of my info isn't at all up to date (hence me just making a very weird au world instead of shooting for anything closer to cannon), I want to continue this because it's fun and I have ideas for it, I'm glad to have you along for the ride!!
5)Kinda a continuation of the last point: I got out of the fandom/show/manga before Hawks had an official non-hero name, I wrote Burnt Hands Warm Hearts at that time along with started writing the old first draft of this story at that time, so I'll be referring to him as Hawks in this because my brain is old and it's just easier for me 😅

Well, now that my disclaimers are done...without further ado...

Let us begin.
Movie night.

Hawks normally ate this sort of thing up. He loved hanging out, laughing, both talking and shushing in turn, and of course everyone's favorite part: Popcorn.

But normally he would have sat next to Enji, the lightest brush of warm skin making his heart jump and annoyed whispered questions tickling his ear as Enji never could keep track of things in a movie, said it wasn't important enough yet still tried so hard to understand in the middle of one.

But this wasn't normally, because well...that wasn't normal anymore.

Now normal was sitting squashed between Nemuri and Snipe who had gotten into an popcorn throwing squabble over each other's 'outrageous' comments, silently watching and trying his hardest to not be aware of Enji...and Toshinori.

It had been a month since they'd gotten together. Correction, since they'd been caught snuggling on the community couch dead asleep wrapped in each other's arms and everyone had quickly put two and two together, but Hawks knew deep down they'd had to have been together for at least a week or two longer then that.

A month since Hawks felt like his heart was being crushed and snapped under the weight of what he'd never gotten the courage to say.

Fortunately for him, Enji was still the intense student, spending most if not all his time doing homework or training. Unfortunately for Hawks, Toshinori was good at both and they seemed to use the time to enjoy one another's company and Hawks wasn't strong enough to try and butt in even if he really did need help with that homework page or that test.

They'd been studying before the movie night started, but Nemuri had poked and prodded til both agreed to come down. Now Enji was sitting cross armed and scowling at the screen like it was his enemy, it would almost be funny if not for the fact the couch was so crowded he was almost sitting in Toshinori's lap.

Hawks caught himself looking and forced his eyes back to the frankly terrible movie they'd agreed on. A movie ripe with things to mock and laugh about over the terrible dialogue and confusing plot. Normally he'd be laughing with everyone else but...

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