Chapter Six: Dance Steps

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"We did it!" Toga twirled around, grabbing Twice and pulling him along with her into a crazed version of a waltz that Hawks only barely recognized as a dance.

Hawks looked around the odd warehouse they had arrived at only a few minutes before, boxes upon boxes that looked similar to the ones the others had been putting into the truck everywhere. A few tattered couches and a wobbly table set up in the middle which was where they'd all gathered right after jumping from the truck.

Hawks had to force himself to not flinch when Dabi wrapped an arm around his shoulders roughly. "Good work, newbie. Showing your worth already." Dabi's eyes were sparkling with a strangely...genuine happiness that made Hawks far more uncomfortable then all his evil smirks.

Well, at least I didn't have to do anything too illegal...those cars showing up was a stroke of luck in getting to look trustworthy.

The phantom feeling of a blade against his throat hadn't gone away since he'd been faced with the waking nightmare of what could happen if the league found out about why he was really there.

Hawks was startled from his thoughts when a cup with an amber liquid was shoved into his hands. "Wait-is this alcohol?"

"League tradition." Dabi smirked as he knocked his own cup back, letting out a content sigh, eyes lazily half open.

He...looks really familiar. This is going to bug me. "Um, I'm not sure if I really-"

"Boo! Come on newby, enjoy it." Shigaraki had flopped down onto the couch, his pinky out as he sipped on a cup of his own. "Don't be lame like another certain someone."

"Heaven forbid one of us doesn't dilute our senses." Hawks froze at the sound of Stain's deep growl; the man had still been sitting in the truck looking for all the world like he was about to fall asleep. Now he sat up, eyes sharply scanning everyone, an uncomfortably long glare sent Hawks way. "We were sloppy. If we didn't happen to have an extra person to serve as lookout we wouldn't have-"

"Shut up." Shigaraki rolled his eyes. "Stop being such a killjoy, we would've had troubles yeah but we did have an extra so there's no point wondering! You don't have to be Mr. Gloom and Doom."

Hawks couldn't stop a slight snort of amusement escaping him at that.

Only for regret to instantly hit him when Stain's eyes snapped back to him.

Stain swung out of the back of the truck, walking straight towards Hawks.

Dabi perked up at the sight of him, grinning slightly. "Going to join us-?"

"I need a word with Hawks."

Dabi deflated as Hawks brain shot into high gear. Shit! Shit! Shit! Did he find out?! How would he have done it so fast?! It's impossible but why else would he want to talk to me!?

Hawks forced a relaxed smile and shrugged. "Be right back I guess." He handed his cup to Dabi as he followed Stain away from the sight of the others. Don't need that betraying how much my hands are shaking.

The area where Stain stopped was blocked from view of the others, old crates stacked high on three sides and one of the walls of the warehouse on the other.

Hawks swallowed hard, trying to keep his smile. " wanted to-"

"I'm not going to waste pleasantries." Stain turned, sharp glare killing any words Hawks was going to say immediately. "I don't trust you. You probably already know that. So rather then play stupid games, I'll get to the point." Stain stalked forwards and Hawks found himself involuntarily backing up only for his back to hit the wall.

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