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In the mangers group chat

Kiyoko: Alright girls we gotta talk

Baby: Wait before we do I gotta change something first

Princess: Okay!

Baby changed Kiyoko's name to Goddess

Goddess: really y/n?

Baby: Ofc! 

Baby: So anyway what u need senpai?

Goddess: im exposing the boys

Goddess: Mostly Noya but the boys

Goddess: And a few others too

Baby: Niceeeeeeeee

Baby: What we doing? Exposing their tiktoks? Exposing dumb things they did???

Goddess: Nope

Goddess: Im exposing them for the smips they r

Baby: Yesssssssssss

Baby: I mean I have to join too

Baby: u r just too good for this world...

Princess: Wait I thought the group chat was going to be about y/n?

Baby: Wait y me????

Goddess: Cuz our sweet 

Goddess: Clueless y/n

Goddess: Boys smip for u and u don't see it

Princess: Yup! U need to see that like when u hung out with Oikawa

Princess: U saw how mad Kageyama was

Baby: but Oikawa is my cousin he doesn't need to be mad....

Princess: WAIT WHAT?????

Goddess: Okiawa Toru is ur cousin....

Baby: Yea I thought he knew that since I was always with him and Toru back when we were both in middle school.....

Goddess: y/n.......

Baby: Yes?

Goddess: I making a group chat for the ppl who simp for u

Baby: Okay?

Goddess added Sunshine, Milk boi, Sugamama, Jesus, Dadchi, Best senpai, Rolling thunderrrr, Salt boi, yams, Princess, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kurro, Kenma, Lev, Iwaizumi, Kunimi, Kyotani, Aone, Koganegawa, Konoha, Ushijima, Semi, Tendou, Goshiki, Shirabu, Terushima, Sakusa, Kita, Atsumu, Osamu, Suna, Hoshiumi, and Baby

Baby: Oh shit......

Goddess: I told u


Salt boi: Stupid....



Kuroo: U ;)

Iwaizumi: I wanna die...

Iwaizumi: Oikawa is pissed cuz he's seem the chat

Iwaizumi: He wants in

Kunimi: Don't

Iwaizumi: I ain't stupid

Iwaizumi: Hes just mad that his little cousin is in a chat full of boys

Milk boi: Wait.....


Sugamama: So we didn't have to worry that y/n was with him then......


Baby: HI BOKUTO!!!!!

Yams: Wow y/n how many ppl do u know?

Baby: A lot ig?

Salt boi: U guess?

Salt boi: Kyioko named this chat smips

Salt boi: And im guessing its not a chat for her

Salt boi: Cuz it would have just been our school

Salt boi: But no u being u

Salt boi: U have to go a become friends with everyone making them all smips for u

Baby: Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed

Rolling thunderrrr: Yeah Tsukishima leave y/n alone they can hang out with whoever they want

Rolling thunderrrr: With reason

Baby: Thanks ig Noya senpai

Rolling thuderrrrr: Ur welcome :)

Baby: But Kiyoko senpai u said this chat will be about guys that like me?

Baby: Everyone here is my friend tho......

Tendou: I've never felt more friend zoned in my life

Ushijisma: Are we not in that zone together Tendou?

Tendou: We r but I'll tell u in private chat

Ushijisma: I now know what it means and I feel the same as everyone else

Salt boi: Y/n ur hopeless so im gone

Salt boi has left the chat

Baby: Uhhh okay anyway I cant stay I have homework bye everyone

Private chat between Tsukishima and y/n

Baby: Tsukki?

Salt boi: What?

Baby: Im sorry I really dont get y ur so upset

Salt boi: dont worry about it

Baby: But I am worried tho....

Salt boi: Well Idk what to tell u then

Salt boi is offline

Baby: Im sorry Tsukki......

Well that was something right? Anyway that's it for this chapter I'll see y'all in the next chapter don't forget to vote and comment!!! BYEEEE!!!!

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