Guess monster jr.

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Tendo is online

Tedno: Hi y/n!

Baby is online

Baby: Woah Tendo how did u know I was going to be online?

Tendo: I have my ways :)

Baby: Can u teach me plzzzzzz

Tendo: Ofc!!!

Tendo: But first I just wanted to say is that I'm hurt by u y/n....

Tendo: So mean!

Baby: What? What did I do?

Tendo: U gave some of the guys in the chat new names 

Baby: U want me to give u a new name too?

Tendo: Yes

Baby: Okie!

Baby changed Tendo's name to cute but crazy

Cute but crazy: Awwwww I great way to describe me!

Baby: Well when I think of u that's what comes to my mind

Cute but crazy: U-u think of me?

Baby: Ofc!

Cute but crazy: Okie were getting off track

Baby: Okie! What do I need to do first??

Cute but crazy: Well first you need-

Ushijima: Maybe you should be at practice and not texting?

Cute but crazy: Awwww come on maybe we can get Y/n to come over here with us?

Baby: Sorry Tendou but Im staying at Karasuno  

Cute but crazy: Sad but anywho u should change Wakattoshi's name too!

Baby: If he's okay with it 

Ushijima: I don't mind

Baby: Okay then!

Baby changed Ushijima's name to gentle giant

Cute but crazy: Ah yes very fitting

Baby: Yea but like Ushijima-san said u should be practicing u can teach me how to be like u later if u have time at is Tendo

Gentle giant: Yes I must agree with Y/n, even tho I enjoy talking with them

Baby: I like talking with u too Ushijima! Anyway Kageyama is calling me gotta go

Baby: It was fun talking to you guys 

Baby: Chat later Tendo!

Cute but crazy: Bye Y/n!!!!

Baby is offline

Cute but crazy: so uh Wakattoshi-kun-

Gentle giant: Back to practice

Cute but crazy: Okie

I know it's short but it's all I got for today, that's it for this chapter don't forget to vote and comment! BYEEEEEEE!!!!

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