Untitled Part 6

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Chapter Six


I set an alarm in case I doze off before I lie back down on Willow's bed. Her lips are parted, and her eyelashes flutter every once in a while, as if she's about to wake up. I'm wondering what she's dreaming about, if her dreams are good or bad, when her leg suddenly hitches over my hip, and her palm rests against my bare chest.

I freeze as her fingers drift down, and my stomach muscles constrict. When her hand reaches the bottom of my waist, my heart jackhammers.

I bite down on my lip to restrain a moan, envisioning her hands traveling lower, touching me the way I've dreamt about since that goddamn fucking first kiss. I wonder if she'd let me touch her, too. Then I remember she's asleep and isn't aware of what she's doing.

Even though it about kills me, I move my hand to stop her, and her fingers abruptly stiffen.

"Beck," she whispers, her eyelids lifting.

Our gazes collide, and then her gaze darts down. I expect her to yank back, but instead, she stares at her fingers splayed across my abdomen, her chest heaving with each gasping breath.

The breathy noises send desire pulsating throughout my body. I don't know what overcomes me, whether all this pent-up sexual tension makes me lose my damn mind, but I delve my fingers into her hip and grind against her.

She groans, tipping her head back as her eyes squeeze shut.

I damn near fucking explode.

I'm about to repeat the movement when she jerks back as if I bit her, which I kind of want to.

"I'm s-so sorry," she sputters, her eyes huge. "I don't know why I did that ... I was just having this dream ... and then I ..." She trails off, and I know without seeing her face t

hat her cheeks are flushed.

I don't want her to be sorry. At all. I want her to put her leg back over my hip so we can continue. But she looks so horrified. I'm afraid this moment will end up being another list fiasco if I don't smooth over the situation.

"You're fine." My voice comes out more strained than I want. If I had my way, her clothes would be off by now, and my tongue would be inside her mouth and my fingers sliding up her thighs. "Let's just forget it happened. I'm sure you were probably half-asleep, anyway."

She unsteadily swallows, holding her hands against her, as if fearing she might touch me again. "You should be mad at me for ... for violating you in my sleep like that. And for almost breaking our rule."

I mentally roll my eyes. She can violate me anytime she wants. Telling her that is a whole other story.

"We're good. And you didn't break the rule. Our lips didn't touch once. Now go back to sleep so you can rest those pretty eyes."

She worriedly nods. "Thank you. And again, I'm so sorry."

She closes her eyes but doesn't fall asleep right away, her body tense. After about fifteen minutes, her soft breathing fills the silence.

Me, I remain wired, hard as a fucking rock. I seriously want to reach down and touch myself so I can calm the fuck down. Doing that with her sleeping beside me doesn't feel right, though, so I force my hands to stay put.

About a half an hour later, I finally cool down. Another hour ticks by, and the house grows quiet. I wonder if the fading noises mean people are leaving. I hope so since I have to leave soon, and the idea of leaving Willow with anyone in the house makes me feel sick.

God, I never want to leave her.

I have to meet with a guy for work at six o'clock, so when my alarm goes off at five o'clock, I untangle my legs and arms from Willow's and drag my ass out of bed. I put my shoes, shirt, and belt back on, making sure to move quietly so I won't wake her. By the time I'm dressed and ready to go, she's still sound asleep with her hand under her cheek. She looks so peaceful, so beautiful. I can't help myself.

I lean over the bed and place a tender kiss on her cheek, convincing myself the move is okay because, technically, it's not lip-to-lip contact.

Her eyelashes flutter from the contact.

"Beck," she murmurs.

I take a deep breath, loving the sound of my name leaving her sleepy lips.

"Go back to sleep, princess," I whisper in her ear. "I have to go, but I'll be back later to tow your car."

I'm not even sure if she's awake enough to understand me, but she bobs her head up and down.

Before I leave, I check to make sure her door is locked. Then I slide open the window and slip out.

The chilly morning air encases me as I inch the window closed. I hesitate for another second or two, wanting to return to her room, but I can't blow off work.

Sighing, I turn around and hike across the gravel parking lot to my car while checking my messages. My dad has called five times and left a voicemail. I don't have to listen to it to know why he's calling. It's the same reason he's been calling me for the last month: he wants me to come work for him. Well, wanting might not be a strong enough word. More like demanding.

I stuff my phone into my pocket without listening to the message, noting the Mercedes is parked beside my BMW. When I near my car, I curiously glance at the man sitting in the driver's seat, texting on his phone.

As if noting my stare, he glances up and his eyes widen.

"What the hell?" I mutter. "Why the hell are you looking at me like that?"

He has his window rolled down, so I know he heard me. He doesn't answer, though, simply starting up his engine and driving off like a bat out of hell.

Scratching my head, I climb into my car and let the engine idle for a few minutes to defrost the windows. I stay in the parking lot for longer than necessary, watching the entrance to the parking lot, making sure the Mercedes doesn't come back.

Maybe I'm overreacting, but the guy looked at me like he knew me, or maybe he knew I was friends with Willow. And in a place like this, people knowing you isn't a good thing.

𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.✓ completedWhere stories live. Discover now