Untitled Part 10

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Chapter Ten


Instead of driving home, I go to Luna and Wynter's place to get ready. As I dig through Wynter's closet with Luna, searching for a dress to wear, I contemplate telling her about my job, confessing everything before this Everette guy blabs my dirty secret and word spreads like a wildfire.

Could I do that? Would she understand?

"Is everything okay?" Luna asks, sifting through Wynter's trendy designer shirts, dresses, and skirts. Her brown hair is pulled into a messy bun, and she's wearing yoga pants and a tank top. Like me, she doesn't own many dresses, so we're both looking for an outfit to wear tonight.

I open my mouth to spill the truth to her, but the words get caught in my throat. How can I tell her? Luna, who's never gotten into trouble? She's sweet and kind and innocent and thinks I am, too.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I chicken out. "I'm just stuck in my own head today."

"A couple of shots of tequila and a hell of a lot of dancing should cure that." Her boyfriend, Grey, appears in the doorway, wearing a long-sleeved black shirt with the sleeves rolled up, jeans, and sneakers.

"You're breaking the dress code," I tease. "Where's your pretty, little dress?"

"Guys are supposed to wear a black shirt," Grey explains, checking out Luna's ass as she bends over to grab a pair of strappy heels off the floor.

"Well, that's just sexist," I reply, pulling a face at the short, fitted dress hanging up in front of me. "Maybe I should wear a suit to protest."

"You could." Grey braces his hands on the doorframe. "But I think you might break poor Beck's heart if you did."

"I doubt Beck's heart will get broken if I don't wear a dress," I say, debating whether or not to go through with my suit threat.

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, right. Everything you do breaks his heart, and yet, he keeps coming back. He seriously is a glutton for punishment."

Luna's attention whips up, and she mouths, "shut up."

"What's going on?" I glance back and forth between the two of them. "What did you mean by that?"

Grey backs out of the closet with his hands out in front of him. "Just ignore me. I think it's the tequila talking." Then he bails out like a guy who's about to get his ass handed to him by his girlfriend.

I face Luna with my hands on my hips. "Okay, spill."

She diverts her gaze from me and focuses on a knee-length pencil skirt. "This looks nice. I think I'll wear it."

"Luna ..." I warn.

She hightails it out of the closet, and I chase her as she races past the bed and makes a beeline for the bathroom.

"Come on; just tell me what he meant."

She dives into the bathroom and slams the door. "He didn't mean anything. I think he's just drunk."

I check the doorknob. Locked. Of course.

I rest my forehead against the door. "I know he meant something, or he wouldn't have brought it up and then run off. And I know Grey and Beck are friends and talk ... Does it hurt Beck ... when I ask him for favours? Does he feel obligated?"

The lock clicks, and I move back as the door opens. Luna steps into the doorway, her expression masked with wariness.

"Helping you doesn't hurt him," she says. "It's when you don't let him help you that hurts him."

I rub my chest. My heart hurts. I never want to hurt Beck.

"Did Beck tell you that?"

"Not me, but he said something to Grey." She leans against the doorframe with her arms folded. "To give him credit, I think they were both high when the conversation went on, so I'm not sure if Beck actually meant to tell him some of the stuff."

"What other stuff did he tell him?"

"Not too much. Just that sometimes, it hurts him when he can't help you."

"But he helps me all the time. Too much, probably."

She hesitates. "I'm sure if someone can help someone they love too much."

My heart sputters into a mad frenzy. "Love?"

Love. Love. Love.

Just like Wynter said.

"Like a friend," she sputters. Then an off-pitch laugh bursts from her lips. "You know what? Please forget everything I just said. Grey talked me into doing a shot after dinner, and you know how I get when I drink. I talk before I think. I definitely think it's time to sober up." With that, she scurries back into the bathroom and closes the door.

I stand there, stunned, unsure of what to do.

Unsure. Unsure. Unsure. When did my life become so full of uncertainties?

I need to get back on track, stick to my plan, and fix the problems in my life, starting with Beck's and my friendship. I need to make sure we're on the same page—the friend's page. A page I might not want to be on, but have to be.

Will he even want to be on that page when he finds out the truth about me?

𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.✓ completedWhere stories live. Discover now