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The dinosaur furry kept on speaking in verbose while we were riding the camel into some random desert village, I don't know anymore.

"We have arrived at our desired destination, my fellow."

I sighed as a response and yeeted myself off of the camel when it came 2 a halt.

I stood there next to it, while degenerate dinosaur looked for something in the bags attached to the camel. He took something out, which I presumed were keys, stepped on the porch and unlocked the fucking decaying ugly door.

"Please, enter my place of residence." Said the furry standing inside.
I sighed again, and said as he asked. Looking around, this place looked uglier than Josh's mutt. And speaking of the mutt, I just remember that it died and we buried it somewhere before I took off and left. He must've became a ghost like Josh. That's cringe and so cliche.

Anyways, the place was like, full of sand and other shit that I couldn't identity and it just smelled horrendous. Such a surprise that even I, the ultimate furry hater, wondered how such an elegant verbose furry could live in an ugly, decaying place like this.

"Not to worry yourself with intrusive thoughts about your current place of residence, my friend, this area shall be renovated when the time comes." He spoke up after a long and awkward silence and me just looking around like a fucking idiot.

I sat on what I presumed was a couch (but it didn't really look like it) and a huge fucking desert spider thing crawled out of the hole. Luckily, I wasn't born an ass coward pussy like Josh so I didn't even flinch.

"I would desire to hear your title, fellow resident." Ugly furry asked for my name while cleaning the shelves with a tiny broom.

"I, uh, um, it's Playz." I answered

"That alias is a pleasure to hear with your hearing organ. I must ask, whereabouts do you come from, friend?" Gross reptile asked another question, gosh is he annoying.

"Um, I come from a city but idk the name."

"Ah, so you're a metropolitan, friend. Quite overrated to be a urbanite, I must admit." ok I had enough of this bitch

"What is this place?" I asked the fuck out of him, my turn now.

"Yourself, my dearest friend, are in a village town under the name of, Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu. It is supposedly located at the very end of this blue planet."

I didn't understand a word he said right now to be absolutely honest. I needed more information about this place but I just couldn't find the courage to drag it out of him because he's a fucking furry. I hate furries, I wanted them to die, I didn't even know they existed. What the fuck is this, a village near fucking Zootopia?

I decided to stand up and look for some food myself because furry dude looked like he was busy with himself, and I'm kind enough to not interrupt his hard work.

There wasn't even a fridge in this place. Why am I even surprised, I really shouldn't be at this point. My entire body still hurt because um, plane crash and shit wooo boom.

I wanna eat pasta. I thought. Hm. I was literally starving and this dude saw me hopeless and still decides to clean the motherfucking shelves instead of helping me. I knew furfags were selfish.

I wanted to commit an ultimate escape. I wanted to do something more epic than the japanese prison break thing. I returned to the living room, only to see that the furfag is gone. Yes finally.

josh and playz 3Where stories live. Discover now