Chapter 2

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Stan and Kyle left an hour after I arrived, leaving me alone with Eric. I really wish his mom was around more..... I think Eric wishes that too. I had noticed Kyle and Stan were acting strange when they left, maybe Eric was right about them having a boner or whatever for each other. Why couldn't something happen between Eric and I? but then again do I even want that? Yeah I do... But nothing will because it's completely impossible and Eric hates me and I'm supposed to hate him, well only silently as I do every darn thing he asks of me! My feelings are way too bipolar to be real! I sighed and laid my head on the cold surface of the kitchen table. Eric was in the living room ordering us pizza, I would join him but I'm afraid I might do something weird again or he might and then I'd get all confused and depressed that I love a guy that hates me but likes to mess with my head by showing me affection every now and then! Gosh I'm getting a headache, I rubbed my temples and let out a quite groan of frustration.

"Hey fag" Eric greeted as he leaned on the counter in front of me, I just glared at him and went back to resting against the comforting cold of the countertop. I hated that word, fag it's been used against me my whole life. I may be gay but I am not a fag!"Okay who shove a pole up your ass?" Eric chuckled, I abruptly stood up and left the room. I went to the living room and sat down on the couch, I crossed my arms. Eric followed me and sat beside me.

"Are you on your period or some shit? Because you're rather touchy today" he smirked poking my cheek "you on the rag Butters? huh?" My eye twitched and pushed his hand away.

"No Eric! I am not you're just being an asshole again and I'm at my fucking breaking point!" I snapped, Eric looked at me. He was probably shocked I swore at him again, I'm usually so good at keeping calm with him but.... I don't know, today I just can't help but feel pissed off! Why did I apologize!? And hug him!? I huffed angrily. Eric groaned and leaned into me "hey period can ya fuck off and bring me my usual cheerful Butters please?" I rolled my eyes and hid a small oncoming smile, he said my Butters! "Hey come on? Just for the time he's here?" He poked my sides, I squirmed. My sides were sensitive, Eric smirked and began to tickled my sides. I giggled and tried to stop him by pushing him away.

"EVIL PERIOD DEMON GIVE ME MY BUTTERS BACK!!!" He yelled, I squealed. The tickling sensation soon changed as he rub my sides slower and slower. This gave me a completely different feeling.

"E-Eric! S-Stop please! Ngh!" I moaned out loud and covered my mouth, Eric pulled back his face turned red.

"Fuck! Sorr- I mean uh-" the door bell cut him off and he jumped up and escaped to the front door. I laid on the couch covering my face which was probably redder then a fire engine!!! What was that!? Since when were my sides um... Like that? My face felt hot with embarrassment, Jesus Christ! I rolled over so I was on my belly and my face was smooshed into the couch cushion. Eric soon came back and set the pizza box on the coffee table, he poked me. "Aye! Sit up or I'll sit on you!" I instantly sat up and scooted to the end of the couch, for two reasons. One he's sat on me before and two I didn't want to cause another fight or really talk to him at the moment. We sat there silently, Eric turned on the tv and began eating a slice of pizza. I took a slice and nibbled on it quietly. I could feel tension between us but no one wanted to break the silence. After five agonizing minutes of silence Eric spoke up.

"So?" Eric awkwardly began, I glanced at him.

"So?" I repeated, a smirk appeared on Eric's lips.

"So Butters~! You like me touching you?" He chuckled, I blushed and glared.

"No!" I looked away from him focusing my attention on the T.V. screen, I bit into my pizza angrily. Stupid Eric making fun of me! Even if he's correct it's not like I'm going admit it! But Eric's taunting had yet to end! He scooted closer to me. I shifted away from him we continued shifting until my side bumped into the arm of the couch, oh hamburgers!!!

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