Chapter 5

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Butters POV.

I fell asleep listening to the playlist Eric gave me, all the songs made me smile and blush. It was kind of unbelievable that Eric actually thought of me like this! I felt like I was dreaming but the few pinches I gave myself this morning proved otherwise. I wonder when Eric began thinking about me like this? Heck when did I? I can't wait to see him today but am I allowed to act like his boyfriend at school?

Ugh so many questions!

Tweek and I were at the kitchen table, I mindlessly stirred my cereal with my spoon letting out small happy sighs. Tweek gulped down his second cup of coffee and watched the driveway through the window, Craig would be picking us up any time now.

"So are you e-excited for today?" Tweek asked me smiling, I blushed and nodded.

"I am but I'm not really sure how to act with Eric at school..." I leaned on my hand and sighed.

"It'll be fine," Tweek put his hand on mine and gave a reassuring smile "just stay calm and be yourself"

"Thanks buddy... But still how-" a car horn honked and cut off my words.

"Well w-we gotta go" Tweek hopped up and quickly filled a travel mug with coffee, I grabbed my side bag and cellphone. We walked outside to Craig's truck, Tweek jumped into the front. Craig smiled at the blonde and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

"Morning Tweekers" he greeted, I got in the back seat and waved at Craig who nodded towards me. I always thought Craig hated me but Tweek said he actually likes me because I take care of him and I'm not a fake asshole so I'm rather happy about that. It'd be horrible if my best friends boyfriend hated me... During the drive Craig and Tweek chatted, I tuned them out and popped in my headphones. I pressed shuffle on the iPod, the song Opposites Attract by:Juris played.
This song is soft and sweet, it made my heart flutter and a dopey smile form on my face. The ride to school only took two more songs. I hopped out of the truck and instantly my eyes caught Eric's, he was sitting on the steps in front of the school with Stan, Kyle and Kenny. His face brightened with a smile and he waved at me, I blushed and shyly waved back. Kyle smirked knowingly but Stan and Kenny looked back and fourth between us with confused expressions. I walk over to them slowly so I didn't look to eager. I guess Eric wasn't going to keep us a secret which made me undeniably happy. Tweek smiled at me to say I can go to them and then took Craig's hand and they walked to the school. I walked towards the group.

"Hiya fellas" I greeted, my feet shuffled an I chewed my lip, I wasn't sure what to do. Eric seemed to notice because he didn't hesitate to pull me onto his lap.

"Okay here's the deal, Butters is my boyfriend now so don't be assholes to him" Eric glared at Kenny the most.

"When- what- how did this happen?" Stan seemed the most confused.

"Ask your Jew boyfriend because I need to walk Butters to his locker" he smirked.

"He's not my boyfriend assfuck!" Kyle snapped angrily but his cheeks flared up red. I guess Kyle and Stan aren't together yet but I think they'd be a swell couple. I slid off Eric's lap and he stood up.

"Yet." Was all Eric said to Kyle before intertwining his hand into mine and walking us away. I glance back, Kyle's face was red and he looked like he was about to murder someone but Stan patted his hair and smiled at him. I couldn't hear what he said but Kyle calmed down and his angry red face disappeared and was replaced by blushing pink cheeks. I focused back on Eric when he spoke.

"W-what was that?" I asked

"I said don't worry about Jew he's just being stubborn and I'm just trying to break that so he can see that Stan likes him back but he won't even consider the fact" Eric groaned. I giggled and smiled at him, he was probably unaware that he was doing something kind for Kyle. I swung our hands slowly and looked around. My face went hot when I noticed how many eyes were on Eric and I... I gulped and looked up at Eric, he didn't seem to notice or care about the stares. I guess that's Eric though, no matter what it is bad or good, if he wants something or believes in something he will proudly tell the world. I guess I've always admired that about him. He's always been so sure if himself and so... Out there! I'm the kind of person who sits in the corner and tries to stay under the radar. When I was younger I wasn't like that, I'd do ridiculously dumb things for attention but I then realized that everyone thought I was a loser for doing stuff like being a super villain or tap dancing in my pink sparkly tux; so I just one day stopped... I'm still me though, I dress the way I want and stuff but I try to be less public with my silly endeavours.

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