-Part 23-

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The next day, I went to the uchiha's house.
Last night I had contacted Mikoto-sama to ask if she would help me make the uniforms.
"Oh come in Y/n!" Mikoto said to me, smiling.
I nodded my head, entering her house.
We entered her designing room and started getting to work.

"Do you have the pattern of the design figured out?" She asked me as she pulled out her rack of fabics out from the closet.
"Yes, I drew them down on this paper" I said, handing it to her.
"Okay-These are cute" She said as she looked at the paper.
"Really? I was thinking of asking you for some ideas" I said.
"Yeah, of course, maybe for the girls uniform...."
Then we started making our final draft of the design.
"Okay, now shall we start?" She said.
I nodded, kind of excited.
"Sasuke! C'mere!" Mikoto shouted.
Sasuke walked into the room.
"Yes?" Sasuke asked.
He looked at me, surprised.
"Sasuke, come hold this" Mikoto said to sasuke.

Mikoto-sama needed sasuke to hold the dress form up since it was broken and when she would be making dresses, they would slide down the stick and hurt her feet.

"Yeah.." Sasuke said, going behind the dressing form and supporting it.
Then mikoto-sama started getting the cuts of fabric ready, pinning it all in place.
"What'd you think?" She asked me.
"It looks amazing..." I said, amazed.
"Now, mind helping me sew it?" She asked.
I nodded my head.
"Okay, I'll bring it to the sewing machine" She said.
She placed the first uniform on the sewing machine, and I started sewing whilst mikoto-sama was making another uniform.

I was really focused on sewing, that I didn't even notice I had already finished sewing the uniform.
"I..finished" I said, pulling the uniform out of the sewing machine and cutting the string off.
I showed it to mikoto-sama.
"Perfect!" She said, smiling.

After, we were able to make 4 of the male and female uniforms.
"You said that you guys might be recruiting more people, right? so we might need a couple more..." Mikoto said, thinking.
"Yeah.." I said.
"I can finish the rest by tomorrow!" She said to me.
"Eh!? Then I can come by tomorrow and hel-"
"No no, I got this" Mikoto said, smiling.
"Then, could you take this money-"
"no need, You can pay me back by trying on the uniform, you too sasuke" Mikoto-sama said.
"Oh..okay.." I said, going to put the uniform on.
When we returned to show mikoto, she was already working on another uniform.
"They look amazing, you made an amazing design Y/n" She complimented.
"No no it was because you were able to help me, thank you" I said.
"It's nothing" She smiled.
"I'll finish up the rest, you can head home." She said to me.
"Oh...okay, I'll take the uniforms that are already finished-"
"Sasuke, help Y/n home" Mikoto said to sasuke.
"Okay.." Sasuke said, grabbing the uniforms from there hangers.
"Thank you.." I said, then left the house, sasuke following.

I was holding some of the uniforms and sasuke was holding the rest.
It was kind of awkward. 
"...Y/n..Did you want to go somewhere?" Sasuke asked me.
"..Sure..." I said.
We dropped off the uniforms at home and then went out.
I kept quiet for the meantime.
We arrived at the beach.
It was the same beach we had went to together last time, two years ago.

The view was still as beautiful as I remembered. 
Sasuke grabbed my hand.
"Come on." He said to me, walking towards the sea shore.
We took our shoes and socks off and ran towards the water. 
The water was cold. It felt nice.
The waves were very strong. 
The waves pushed me over and I fell in the water.
"Y/n!" Sasuke shouted.
"Haha!" I laughed, getting out of the water.
My clothes and hair were all wet.
I walked to the sand and relaxed for a bit.
Sasuke placed his sweater on me.
"..Thanks.." I said.

It was just me and sasuke, together. It was all okay.
I heard sakura's voice.
Me and sasuke turned around and saw naruto, hinata, and sakura.
"What are you guys doing here!?" Naruto shouted running towards us.
"..Nothing." Sasuke said.
".Really!?" Naruto said, getting close to sasuke, glaring at him.
"Naruto!!" Sakura shouted, kicking naruto from the back, making him fall forward.
Naruto fell on top of sasuke.
I looked at them, shocked.

Their lips touched!?!?

"Ehehe...sorry..." Sakura said, hiding behind me and hinata.
"Pleh!! Sakura what was that for!?" Naruto said, getting off of sasuke and sunning after sakura around the beach.
"Ahh!" Sakura screamed, trying to run away from naruto.
Sasuke got up, dusting the sand off his clothes and wiping his mouth.
"..Sorry about that.." I said, wiping his mouth with my sleeve.
He looked at me surprised.
"It's fine..." He said, looking away.

"Y/n, you're all wet.." Hinata said, worried.
"It's fine, I slipped in the water" I said.
"Oh, good thing you had a sweater, you would've gotten a cold." She said, reileved.
Then suddenly, naruto slipped in the water.
He walked out, soaking wet. His shirt now see through.
I looked at sakura, she didn't seem fazed. Then I looked at hinata, she passed out.
"Hinata!?" I panicked, trying to wake her up.
"Naruto do CPR!" Sakura shouted.
"Okay!" Naruto said, rushing to hinata.
"..But she only fainted..." I said, looking at them like 'seriously?'
Then she woke up again. 
She immediately saw naruto's face and fainted again.
"Look naruto, you made her faint" Sakura scolded naruto.
"But-I-I didn't even do anything!" Naruto said, dumbfounded.

Once hinata woke up again, we hung out for a bit.
The weather was nice.
"So Y/n, why were you and sasuke here alone together?" Sakura said, curious.
"Yeah, I thought sasuke was dating sakura.." Hinata said, confused.
"No, we aren't" Sakura said, smiling.
"Oh.." Hinata said.
"So why? tell us, we're curious.."  Sakura said, teasing me.
"We were just coming to hang out.." I said.
"'Hang out' huh?" Sakura teased.
Hinata and sakura giggled.

After a while, we started walking back home.
"How'd you guys find us anyways?" I asked.
"We followed you guys!" Naruto said.
Me and sasuke glared at naruto.
"Ehehe...Just kidding.." Naruto said, scared.
"Haha!" We laughed.

We dropped Sakura and Hinata at home, then sasuke came over our house.
"We're back!" We said as we entered the house.
"Y/n, Naruto!?" Mom shouted, running towards us, angry.
"Why did you guys run off with sasuke!? You made mikoto-sama worried!" Mom shouted at us.
"Ehehe...I already told you it's fine kushina.." Mikoto said.
"You guys better apologize!" Mom said, pushing us towards mikoto-sama.
"Sorry Mikoto-sama!" Me and naruto said, bowing.
"oh, don't worry, I was not worried at all, relax" She said, smiling at us.
"Thank you." We said.
We looked over at mom.
She was still mad.
We quickly went up to our rooms.
"Kushina, you don't have to be so harsh on them.." Mikoto said.
"Yeah, but if I don't, they will think they can do anything, and minato's too soft on them, someone has to do it" Kushina said sighing.
Sasuke walked upstairs.

I was in my room changing, until someone knocked on my door.
"Who is it?" I asked, trying to change, quickly.
"Sasuke" Sasuke said.
"Oh, hold on.." I said, changing even faster.
"okay! come in!" I said, tossing my dirty clothes in my basket.
Sasuke entered my room.

Days pass, it's spring break.
We got two weeks off for spring break.
Me and naruto were on a bus with some friends and strangers. We were going camping for a week.
Sakura, hinata, and sasuke came along as well.
"I can't wait to see the lake!" Naruto shouted.

Once we reached the camp, we were given cabins to stay in. 
"Wow!" We all said.
Me, sakura and hinata were sharing a cabin.
It was bigger than we thought it would be.
The beds were in the same room. One bathroom. and I little couch with some games on the table.
We changed into shirts and shorts and walked outside.
Our cabin was beside narutos cabin.
Sasuke and shikamaru shared the same cabin together.
The people who were in charge of the camp would help us around the place and chaperone us. 
"Hello everyone, we are your instructors during your time here in camp. I am Yahiko! We are pleased to have you all! These are your other instructors, Konan, Nagato, Sasori, deidara, and our newest member: itachi!!" Yahiko said.
"Itachi!?" Me, sasuke, and naruto said.
"Hey guys" Itachi said, smiling.
"What are you doing here?" Sasuke asked itachi.
"I found a recruit job for this after I moved out of the house and decided to try it out, I didn't expect you all to be here as well" Itachi-san said, surprised.
Then suddenly a group of girls swarmed around itachi.

We decided to go to the lake nearby.

The moment we got there, naruto jumped into the lake.
I dipped my feet into the water.
"The water feels great!" Naruto said, poking his head out of the water.
"You didn't even bother wearing swim shorts" I said, sighing.
Then suddenly sakura started stripping and jumped into the water as well.
She had worn her swim suit underneath her clothes.
Then after a while, a couple more people came to swim in the lake.
"Y/n! Come in!" Sakura shouted to me.
"No, I'm fine" I said.

After swimming, we went into the cafeteria to get lunch.
"What are we having?" I asked.
"I think it's sandwiches.." Hinata said to me.
"Yeah! I'm gonna grab a bunch!" Naruto said, running up to the front of the line.
We grabbed our sandwiches and sat at an empty table.

"Let's go back into the lake afterwards." Hinata said, smiling.
"Yeah, sure" I said.

When we finished eating, me and hinata went to go change into our swim suits.
"Yours is so cute" Hinata said to me, smiling.
"Really? I had no idea what to choose, so I brought a random one.." I said, wearing my regular clothes over my swim suit. I grabbed my towel, sunscreen, then we walked out to the lake where the others were. 
"Come in!" Sakura said, waving as she was already in the lake.
I noticed sasuke was also already in the water.
I took my shirt and shorts off, then, stepped into the lake.
"Come on hinata, don't be shy!" Sakura said, grabbing hinata and bringing her to the lake.
"O..Okay.." Hinata said, dipping her feet into the water.
"I was about to dip my head into the water until naruto splashed water at my face.
Then we started splashing water at each other.
Naruto had splashed sakura with water.
"Naruto!!" Sakura shouted, swimming to naruto, angry.
I swam underwater.
When I popped my head out of the water, I noticed sasuke just standing in the water, not swimming.
"Sasuke! Come in!" I shouted to him.
He looked at me and shook his head.
"Come on!" I shouted.
He shook his head again.
I walked over to him and pulled him into the water.
I swam away from the shore as I held both of his hands.
I smiled at him.

He had gripped his hands in mine, giving me a slight smile in return.

After, I returned back to the shore and wrapped my towel around me.
"What were you and sasuke doing over there..?" Sakura asked me, curiously.
"Eh? We were just swimming..." I said, looking down.
"You sure..? You guys looked real lovey dovey over there" Sakura said, smirking at me.
Hinata giggled.
"We were not!" I said, turning away from her.
"Itachi-san said we are having s'mores tonight!!" Naruto shouted. 
"We'll be able to tell scary stories" Hinata said, smiling.

When it became nightfall, we lit the fire pit and started roasting s'mores.
"Naruto! Yours is all burnt!" Sakura said.
"Ah!! Oh no, I wasn't watching it" Naruto said, upset.
He tossed the marshmallow onto the bile of the marshmallows Naruto had burnt.
"..Here naruto, you can have my marshmallow.." Hinata said, handing naruto the perfecting toasted marshmallow.
"Oh really! Thanks Hinata, your the best!" Naruto said. putting the marshmallow into the graham crackers with chocolate and eating it. 
"It's amazing!" Naruto said, his mouth full.
"you're not roasting your marshmallow Y/n?" Sakura asked me.
"I already did...it was too sweet, so I only ate one.." I said, before taking a sip of water to water down the sweetness.
"You sure grew, you totally grew out of your sweet tooth" Sakura said, laughing.
"Y/n had a sweet tooth..?" Hinata said, curious.
"Yeah, back when we were in junior high, after school, we would always go to this café and y/n would eat all kinds of sweet cakes!" Sakura laughed.
"Oh? I could never imagine Y/n eating so many cakes..." Hinata said, surprised.
"I was always cleaning around the house to get money for cakes.." I said, chuckling.
"Oh yeah, that was when naruto was in his super hero phase, he thought he had super powers and the world was going to end and he needed to save it.." Sakura said.
"Hahah" Hinata laughed.
"What are you guys laughing about?" Naruto asked, confused.
"Nothing, what was your superpower name again?" I asked, looking at naruto.
"Eh!? Why are you guys talking about that!?" Naruto said, surprised.
"Oh, wasn't it called-"
"Rasengan!!" Me and sakura shouted.
"Hey guys!! Stop talking about it so loudly..." Naruto said, embarrassed.
"Wasn't sakura wrestling at that time?" Sasuke mentioned.
"Oh yeah sakura wrestled, the boys always lost when they arm wrestled..." I said.
"that explains why sakura is very strong..." Hinata said.
"Hinata, you used to go to an private middle school, right?" Sakura asked.
Hinata nodded her head.
"That explains why you're so shy all the time.." Naruto said.

After we ate s'mores and told scary stories, we went to our cabins.
"I can't believe we are all already 3rd years! We'll have to be going to college and finding jobs for ourselves!" Sakura said as she plopped herself onto her bed.
"Yeah, time went by fast" Hinata said.
"what college are you guys going to try for?" I asked.
"I'm thinking of going to that one medical school in next city over" Sakura said.
"Oh, That'll mean you're going to have to move.." Hinata said.
"Yeah, I'll have to finish up the two years of medical school, then get into a college that specializes in the medical field!" Sakura said, smiling.
"What about you guys?" Sakura asked.
"I don't really know, I would like to attend a university where I am able to travel places" Hinata said.
"I don't know either, I never really thought about where I wanted to go or do.." I said, looking down.
"I've started to take a liking to art, so maybe after I finished college, I'll study at an art school..." I said.

The next morning I woke up and walked outside because I heard naruto shouting.
"What's happening?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.
To be continued...

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