-Part 25-

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"Thanks for helping me Sasuke-kun, I'm greatful..." I said, sighing with relief.
"It's fine.." He said to me.
Yes, I still hold my feelings for sasuke inside my heart. 
I enjoy every moment I have with him, whenever I can.
I'm sure it was just a coincidence that we ended up going to the same college together.

"We're finally finished!" I said, jumping onto the bed mattress, tired.
"Thanks for the help Sasuke-kun" I said, sitting up.
Sasuke sat on my bed.
He nodded.

"It's not too late yet, let's go somewhere to eat" I suggested.
"..Sure" He agreed.
We drove in sasuke's car to a food place.
I had already gotten my drivers license, but I'm currently saving up for a car.
"What about here?" I asked, pointing out the car window.
"This place looks sketchy..." Sasuke said to me.
"It's fine, don't judge by looks, come on" I said, pulling sasuke out of the car as soon as he parked.

The food was terrible.
"Sorry Sasuke-kun..I should've listened to you.." I said, feeling like throwing up.
"Haha..." I heard sasuke laugh.
"Don't worry about it...come" He said to me, lightly flicking my forehead.
I rubbed my forehead softly and followed sasuke.

We came to a ramen shop.
"Welcome!" The staff welcomed us as we entered.
The lady at the front, guided us to a table for two.
"I'll be back soon to take your orders"

Once we finished ordering food, we waited.
Then I got a text.
It was from mom.

"Y/n? Have you finished unpacking over there? What are you doing?" She texted.
"I finished already Mom^^ I had Sasuke help me" I answered back.
"We are eating dinner right now" I added in another text.
"Okay, that's good. Make sure to call me if anything" She sent.
"Okay I will, thank's mom" I finished, closing my phone.

"Who was it?" Sasuke asked me.
"It was my mom, she was wondering if we finished unpacking" I said.

Then the waitress came back with our food and drinks.
"Thank you" We said to the waitress then we started to eat.

Though the food was a bit pricey, it was delicious.

After eating, we paid the bill and walked out and back to the car.
In between all this, we haven't made much conversation. 
It was very awkward.

Sasuke dropped me off at home and was about to drive off.
"Hey sasuke-kun.." I said, getting his attention.
He looked at me.
"Thanks for the help once again, I'll see you at the university" I said, smiling at him.
"..Yeah, you too" He said, looking away then driving off.

'That was embarrassing, he probably thought I was stupid!!' 
After I beat myself, I went inside.

After a week, I had to start attending my university.
I got up early and got ready. 
I grabbed a taxi in the morning to take me to the university.

As I stepped out of the taxi and onto the school campus, I was amazed. The school was bigger than I imagined.
"Pretty sick isn't it?" Someone said to me, gazing at the view as well.
"Oh, yes it is, you are?" I asked.
"I'm Uchiha Shisui, Nice to meet you" He said to me, giving me a warming smile.
"I'm L/n Y/n, It's nice to meet you as well" I said, bowing.


"Your first year?" He asked me.
"Yeah, you?" 
"My third" He said to me.

"Huh? Oh you're here Sasuke-kun.." I said, as he walked to me.
"It's nice to meet you again sasuke" Shisui said, smiling at him.
"..Yeah, you too" He said.
Then the bell rang.
"I've got to go now, see you guys" Shisui said, walking away.

"come on sasuke-kun, we have to get to the orientation in time.." I said, walking into the school building.
"kay.." He said, following me from behind.

We entered the auditorium room and took a seat, watching the owner of the university make his speech.
"Y/n..!" Someone whispered my name.
I looked around and saw...

"Kankuro? what are you doing here?" I whispered, surprised.
"Hehe, I attend this university, garra's here too" Kankuro whispered to me, pointing to garra, who was next to him.
Garra looked at me and smiled, then continued to listen to the speech.
"Where's temari?" I asked.
"She didn't want to go here, she wanted to stay with Shikamaru" Kankuro said, sounding annoyed.
"Oh? okay.." I said, surprised.
"Oh, is that sasuke?" Kankuro asked me.
"Yeah, why?" I whispered, confused.
"You still got a thing for him?" He whispered to me, smirking.
"Shh! I'm trying to pay attention!" I said, changing the subject.

After the orientation, we had to get to our classes.
"Sasuke-kun, what's your first class?" I asked.
"mm, English" He said to me.
"I have math, I'll see you" I said, walking away from him.
He waved bye.

I stepped into my class.
There were students who were already sitting in their seats.
I just took a random spot and waited for the teacher.
"..Hello...?" I said, confused.
"I'm Ichika, nice to meet you!" The girl said to me, holding her hand out.
"Oh..I'm Y/n, nice to meet you as well" I said, shaking her hand.
"Let's be friends!" She said to me.
"..kay..sure" I said.
"So! You have a partner?" She asked me.
"..No, we study individually" I said.
"No, I meant like romantically" She explained.
I shook my head.
"That sucks, if I were a male, I definitely would go out with you" She said to me, smiling.
"o..kay" I said, awkwardly.
"Anyways, afterschool, come meet me at the front" She said to me, walking out of the room.
Why was she even here? This wasn't even her class.
My first impression on her was that she was very straight-forward and careless about what others feel about what she says about/to them.

Then the teacher had came to class, which was a relief, I wanted to get my mind distracted from the weird conversation I had earlier.

Once It was lunch time, I didn't find sasuke anywhere.
I found him in the back of the building, talking with a girl, was it a classmate? I couldn't tell from the view.
'I'll just go back to the cafeteria..'

When I returned to the cafeteria, I pulled out my lunch from my bag and started eating.
Soon after, Sasuke appeared sitting in front of me.
"Where were you?" I asked.
"I was just talking to a colleague" Sasuke said to me as he ate a small bag of chips.
"..That's all you're eating for lunch?" I asked, shocked.
"Yeah." He said to me.
"You need to eat.." I said, pushing my bento towards sasuke, taking his chips away.
"Eat." I said, eating his chips.
He didn't answer, but ate as I asked him to.

Sasuke did that often,  it kinda is the reason why our conversations are so short and awkward, though I'm not blaming him, I take full responsibility for not being able to talk to him comfortably.

After we ate, we walked to our next class together since we had the same class for this period.
It was Math class.
Me and sasuke took a seat next to each other at one of the empty rows.
"Good afternoon class, how are we all doing? Shall we get started?" The teacher said, turning the projector on.

Then the bell rang.

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