Ready for You Niall #imagine

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Today will be me and Niall's 3rd year together. He asked me to move in with him yesterday and I said yes. It's only 9PM and were already done packing my things in the room me and him will be sharing.

"Niall?" I asked him as I plonked myself on the bed

"Yes?" He said Turing around and away from the dresser he was putting clothes in.

"I love you" I said looking up at him from across the room.

He walked over to me and kneeled down to be face to face with me. He took my hand and kissed it. "I love you too princess." He smiled at me. I smiled back to him and leaned in to kiss his lips. I leaned back just a little with my lips still touching his and I whispered to him.

"Niall?" I asked again

"Yes princess." He asked putting his hands on my waist. He's still kneeling on the floor.

"I..I-I'm ready" I can't believe I said it but It was true. Niall and I are both virgins and he said he's ready when I'm ready I'm ready. I'm read for Niall to take my virginity.

"W-what? Are you sure?" He said getting with a big smile on his face.

"Yes I'm sure. I love you and I know your the one. I'm ready for you Niall." I kissed his lips with much passion. I put my arms around his neck and leaned back pulling him with me onto the bed.

He was now on top of me with one of his knees between my legs. His elbows were at either side of my body holding himself up. I didn't mean to but I jerked my hips forward accident causing some friction between our crotches.

"Mmmmph" Niall moaned. Wow that must've feel good for him. I did it again and again and again still grinding our crotches together.

"Uhhhhh..mmmmm oh G-God." He moaned againbreaking the kiss. I stopped grinding and tugged at the hem of his white polo shirt.

He pulled it off then kicked his sweatpants off so hes in his briefs now. He put his hands at the hem if my shirt now looking me in the eyes.

"Can I see?" He asked with an innocent look on his face. I nodded biting my bottom lip. He pulled my shirt off to reveal my lacy black and turquoise Victoria's Secret bra.

I didn't have tiny boobs like most 19 year old girls but they weren't BIG either.

"Your so beautiful" Niall said while kissing my lips. Next he pulled down my pants. As soon as he did that I flipped us over.

Niall...have you ever had a...blowjob?" I asked blushing a little at the strange question.

"N-no.... Have you ever given one???" He said turning an deep shade of red.

"No...but I'm gonna try it now..." I said whispering seductively in his ear while touching our covered crotches together. I kissed down his body till I got to the bulge in his briefs. I nibbled through the layer of clothing covering his manhood.

"Oh God mmmmm...I didn't know you would t-tease me the first time me have s-sex ...but I'm just gonna let you do what y-you want." He stuttered shutting his eyes.

I didn't respond instead I slowly pulled his briefs down off his legs an threw them with the rest if the clothes on the floor. I took his member in my hand and slowly pumped him. I licked the tip of his length and he groaned in pleasure. I put the tip in my mouth and he bucked his hips a little but not too far making sure not to choke you.

"Are you s-sure this is your f-first time giving a bl-blowjob??? Cause your sssssooooo good. He said while moaning in between words.

"Mhmmm" I hummed in response. The vibrations of my voice must have pleased him cause he threw hi head back and moaned loud.

I sucked his length deep throating him as he moaned. He pulled me up before he could even cum and kissed me hard. He flipped us over the put his arms around me to unclip my bra.

"Wow...they're...nice." He said looking at my revealed chest. I blushed not knowing what to say so I just kissed him. He's moves his lips to my chest then going down to my stomach.

"My turn" he whispered above my crotch and I could feel his breath through my lacy underwear. He pulled them down and off my legs. He opened my legs up and kissed my clit.

"Now...I've never done this before I go..." He said licking from my womanhood entrance, to my clit then sucked on my clit.

"Ahhh yeah...your...your so good! MMMM Niall." I moaned

He stuck his tongue in and out of me and I continued moaning. He stopped and crawled up to face me before I could cum.

"Are you ready for the real thing now?" He asked me

"Yes..yes just get in me." I said

He parted my ledges and put his length on my entrance. He rubbed it up and down then stopped at the right spot.

"Here goes nothing." He enter the tip. And stopped for a sec then continued very slowly.

"Ah!" I yelled in pain

"I'm so sorry! Should I stop?!" He asked

"No no this is sex you can't just stop your already in me....Keep going and ill get over the pain."

He entered me fully and stopped so I could adjust to his big size. When I was ready I bucked my hips so he could start thrusting. He went in and out slowly but swiftly.


"Yeah...scream my name. I want the neighbours to know your mine." He went faster and harder in me hitting my G-spot.


"Let it out babe." He whispered in my ear

"AHHHHHHH! NIALL! YOUR SO BIG! MMMMM!" I came and with the words I said, he came right after.

He rode out our orgasms then he pulled out and late next to me.

"That was amazing Niall." I said cuddling into him.

" was. I live you princess." He said kissing my forehead

"I love you Niall."

And with that we fell asleep with our legs tangled together and cuddled up.

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