Chapter 10 (My Saviour)

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4 weeks later

By now everyone knew your name, Shadow Soldier. You have robbed 8 banks and got out without a trace. You bombed a skyscraper in NYC. You also got into the white house with no planning, you were instructed to bring back files on anyone from Hydra. There was one compilation though you met the "hero's" the Avengers came to stop you. You managed to shoot a guy with the cross bow in the leg. No one saw your identity due to your mask. When you got back with the files they erased your memory of that event so you wouldn't have to think about it.

It's been a day since that event. You had just been thrown into a cell when there was a bang in the hallway. The guard locked your door and then there was another bang. You mind instantly went to gunshots. You quickly grab the gun you hid in your pants and stand right behind the door to block it. Another bang. Then silence. Suddenly the lock on your door unlocked. You hold your gun up and back up to the wall. Your cell was small not even big enough for a bed. The door opened slowly. A man with a weird shield walked him, but he didn't shoot he just walked in.

You hold your gun up. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT?" You scream.

"Hey it's ok I won't hurt you." You don't move, he puts the shield down you look him up and down seeing no weapons. You slowly put the gun back in your holster. He takes a step closer you grab your gun again.

"Explain yourself... Now... Or I'll shoot and I NEVER EVER miss." He steps back.

"I'm here to rescue you. I won't hurt you. I don't have any weapons. You can put the gun down." You are skeptical but for some reason you trust this man. "My name is Steve. Come we can help you."

"Who's we?" You ask with concern.

"My team, we're called the Avengers." He smiles easing you out of concern. You're still not sure why you trust him so much but you do. You nod skeptically. He gestures for you to follow him down the hallway, he makes sure to check the hallway before calling you towards him. Once you reach the outside there is a jet with a group waiting. "Guys we're back start the jet up." The jet starts back up as Steve motions for you to get on.

Your whole body is telling you not to get on that jet, but there is a small part in you saying that it's ok. You take a deep breath, you place your hand over where your gun is placed on the holster, slowly you walk up the ramp. You follow Steve to the front of the jet taking in everything. You make sure to find the exits so you can escape if needed. Then you look around at the people, there has to be at least 10 people.

There is a man with a red and gold suit talking to what looked like scientist with curly hair and glasses. To your right there was a man with glorious dirty blonde hair, he was wearing some sort of weird medieval costume. He was holding a giant hammer. Jeez what kind of people are these? To your left there was a man standing in the shadows. He probably thought you couldn't see him but you've always been able to see in the dark. That's one of the reasons you're such a good soldier.

The man in the shadows had long dark brown hair that reached his shoulders. His body had muscle but yet he wasn't too bulky. He was wearing almost all black but through the corner of your eye you could see a tiny glint of gold reflecting from his hand.

As you followed Steve through the cabin you stayed close to him. He stopped at the front of the jet, there was a girl there, she looked so familiar but you don't know from where. When she notices you her eyes light up.

"You're ok!" She turns to face you but doesn't get any closer. She must know that you feel scared and if someone were to do the wrong thing that you would go all soldier on them. You narrow your eyes and look at her. She had bright red hair and looked gorgeous.

"Hello." You say quietly.

"I know you must not trust us and I don't blame you. But I want you to know that we're here to help you and we don't want to hurt you." She smiles and you begin to trust her, she seems genuine.

"Thank you." You nod, Steve coughs from behind you and you turn to look at him.

"I'm going to talk to Tony are you ok by yourself." You nod. These people truly did seem like they wanted to help you, and something deep down tells you you've met them before. The girl stands up and walks over to a seat, you follow close behind her. You take a seat near the middle of the cabin where you're able to see everything.

"My name is Natasha by the way, but you can call me Nat or Tash, whatever you want." She says smiling.

"Well... Nat my name is Y/n."

"Yes...." She mumbles quietly. You look at her, she seems to be deep in thought maybe reliving memories. Something sparks in the back of your brain.

"We were friends weren't we. I used to know all you guys didn't I?" Her eyes become all glossy with tears as she nods. You look around trying to remember anything but it doesn't work. Suddenly the man in the iron suit starts walking towards you. You grab your gun and hold it up to him.

"WoW! It's ok I won't hurt you." Slowly you put the gun down, the man takes a few steps closer. You carefully watch him as he comes closer. You take a closer look at him and the features of him are so familiar.

"Do I know you?"

"Yes you do, you just don't remember. I promise to help you get your memories back Jellybean." As the nickname leaves his mouth you are hit with a memory.

You were young about 11 maybe. You were in a big room sitting on a huge couch watching a movie. Beside you was Tony the man that was in the iron suit. He was tickling you, you both were laughing. There was a cough from behind you and there stood a women with strawberry blonde hair holding a bowl full of popcorn. Pepper, the name instantly clicks in your mind.

"Thought we could use a snack." She says, she walks over to Tony and kisses him. Then goes and sits beside you. She reaches into her pocket and grabs a bag full of jellybeans.

"Thank you Pepper!" You say smiling.

"My two favorite women sitting on a couch what a dream." Tony says.

"Shut up!" You poke him in the side.

"Sorry Jellybean but it's my job to embarrass you."

The memory ends and you look up at him. You run to him and give him a big hug. "TONY! I remember!"

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