Chapter 16 (The Party Begins)

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After your little chat with Bucky you forced him to leave so you could get ready. He was very reluctant to leave but he only ended up leaving because you promised to spend time with him after the party. 

You walk over to the night stand to see your phone charging. Sadly you can't remember the password but with Tony inventing the phone it has facial recognition, so it opened as soon as you turned it on. Quickly you open the messages app and find Natasha. 


Natty🕷😘: OMW!

Within a few seconds Nat comes barreling through your bedroom door with knives out.

"What's wrong?" She asks looking around. You burst out laughing and fall back onto the bed. 

"I need help getting ready." She puts her knives back in her holsters.

"You sent SOS for getting ready?" You nod. "Yah that seems like something you'd do." She laughs you smile as blush flushes your face. "Alright let's get started the party is in 2 hours... You go have a shower I'll pick out your clothes." 

"OK!" You give her a hug and rush into the bathroom. About 15 minutes later you are finished your shower, you put on your silk robe that you found in your closet earlier today. You exit the bathroom with your hair in a towel and find Nat sitting at your desk waiting for you. 

"Girl how are you always so stunning?" She asks getting up from your desk and beckoning you to sit down. You shrug and take a seat, she rushes into the closet. A few moments later she rushes back out with a dress behind her back. "Ok so I found this dress we bought a while ago and lets just say that Bucky will surely remember it..." She smirks and shows it to you. 

You remember the dress. It's the red one from the day you, Nat, Wanda and Bucky went to the mall... It also happened to be the first day he kissed you. You distinctly remember showing Bucky the red dress and teasing him. 

"You remember that day don't you?" 

"Yah... That was a good day..." You say smiling at the memory. Suddenly an alarm goes off on Nat's phone. "What's that for?" 

"It means there's only 75 minutes until the party so we have to get going."

"Ok!" You dry your hair which takes about 15 minutes. When your done you come out of the bathroom to see Nat and Wanda doing their makeup. "Girls you look gorgeous!" They both turn and drop their brushes. They look at each other and then smirk back at you.

"Your turn." They say in unison. They jump up from where they're sitting and sit you down. Nat does your hair while Wanda does your makeup. It takes a little longer then it normally would because you kept laughing. It felt nice to hang out with the girls... It almost felt... Normal. Your hair was in a half up half down curled situation, and your makeup was beautiful. It was a neutral eye with a little bit of liner, your lips were bright red to match your dress. You look stunning... Not that you don't always look gorgeous this just... Enhanced your features. Around 45 minutes later they finish. They take a step back to admire their work when Wanda looks at the time. 

"CRAP! I still have to change. The party starts in 15 minutes." Both Nat and Wanda rush out of the room leaving you to get dressed. You slip your robe of and put on the dress, it fit like a glove and it was tailored just for you. You look down and remember that you need shoes, quickly checking the time. You had 5 minutes left until the party started, they can handle me being late, just like Julie Andrews says. "A queen is never late everyone else is simply early." You run into your closet and find some shoes. 

After digging around for a few moments you find the perfect pair. Red stiletto's with a tie that warps around your ankle 2 times. They were simplistic but the wrap added flare. You put them on and basically ran out of the room. 

Taking one last look in the mirror near the elevator you headed down to the right floor. When the doors opened you spotted Sam and Steve looking down at the party. You were a floor too high but it was ok you could head down later. You walked over to the guys.

"Hey boys!" You say smiling. They look at you and their eyes widen.

"Wow... Y/n you look... Amazing... Gorgeous.." Sam exclaims.

"I concur." Steve adds.

"Why thank you. Yawl clean up pretty good as well." You wink. Looking to your left you see Nat and Wanda talking to someone. "I found my girls I'll talk to you later."

"Enjoy your party Y/n" Steve says.

"Thanks." You smile and kiss them both on the cheek. Sam turns a deep shade of pink, as you walk away you can feel their eyes on you. The girls spot you and smile.

"You girls are stunning." You all say at the same time, you all laugh. Walking over you step in between Nat and Wanda linking arms with them. The person they were talking to has left and is talking to someone else. Still arm in arm with the girls you walk over to the stairs. 

All together you descend the stairs as Run The World (Girls) by Beyoncé starts playing. It was like you were in a movie, everyone turns to the three of you walking. You all spot Vision, Bruce and Bucky in the corner talking basically drooling over you three. 

When you reach the bottom of the stairs you take the girls hands and motion for them to follow you towards the boys. They nod and smile as you walk over the the three drooling boys. Reaching the boys you drop the girls hands. The boys are just staring at their girl. Nat and Bruce may not be in a relationship but there is defiantly something going on between them. 

"Hello boys." Nat says walking over to the bar and grabbing a drink. 

"Uhhhh HI, you look... I mean... All of you look great." Bruce says.

"Thanks Banner, you're not too bad yourself." He smiles and turns back to Nat. You walk over to Bucky and give him a kiss on the cheek leaving a red mark. You notice and giggle, you wipe it off with your thumb. You step back and do a spin.

"Do you remember this dress?" 

"I certainly do... That was the day we first kissed." You smile. 

" Remember how I teased you and you got all hot and bothered." His face drops and try not to laugh. 

"Yes..." He says quietly. You walk over and wrap your arms around his neck. 

"How about this... I promise not to tease while wearing this dress anymore." 

"That's gonna be hard considering even you wearing it does something to me." You slap his chest.


"It drives me crazy when you say my name like that." He leans in. Your lips connect and electricity shoots through your body. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck and into his hair, while his arms go on your hips. 

Things would have gotten a lot more heated if it wasn't for Nat tapping your shoulder. You disconnect you lips and turn to face her, Bucky groans and you lean back into him. You back hitting his macular chest, you can feel him... hard on your back side. 

"Would you like to go dance?" Nat says smiling. 

"It would be my pleasure." You smile taking her hand. Leaving Bucky all hot and bothered... I guess the promise to not teasing him in this dress went down the drain real fast. You look back at him in smile, he smiles and narrows his eyes. Wiping his lips and smoothing out his hair you turn back to Nat and let the music guide you as you dance.

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