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Cat’s POV

Meow. Meooooaaww. Meow meow. Meow meoow, meao, meoaww, meow. Meow meow. Meow, mow, meow. MEOWWW. Moewww.


Stupid people. I hate living with Dr. and Mrs. Ali and their annoying son, Fahad. And they call me Buttercup! Like eww. Oh Gosh I had so much fun with that boy, umm what did they call him? Oh yes Haz. Yes, he was almost charming enough for me to think less bitterly towards those inferior creatures they call human beans. I really like that Haz and Pussy is a waayy better name than ‘Butter cup’. And the way he looked at me, simply gave me the heebeejeebees. I think im in love. Move over Fahad !! Im not gonna sleep in your room anymore !!I’ll have to find another escape route, to sneak into the basket that Haz lives in. Mrs Ali has been staring at me all day. Stupid woman. I am not a baby any more. I am 2 years old. I’m not growing any younger. Soon I wont have my good looks and charm. Stupidd.. Is that a ball of yarn?? Screw Haz. BALLL OFF HEAVEN.

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