chapter 1

729 9 2

tw: swearing

the first thing i saw when i woke up was me, willow and adrien falling from the sky, towards this strange glowing mansion. below us were two more people, two blondes? they were wearing strange clothing - tunics and capes.




as we neared the ground, i saw another redhead and brunette talking with each other, and speaking to the two blondes as they landed.



"oOF-" the air was knocked out of me as i landed on the patch of sunlit grass, and tumbled to a stop at the feet of the four that were staring at us.

and thus, an awkward silence took over. we stared into their eyes, and they stared into ours. it was all silence until...

"who the fuck are you are where the hell are we?" adrien asked - well more like demanded - from them. "i think we should be asking you that question, humans." the brunette said.

"aren't you humans too?" will asked innocently.


"'re aliens?" just pulling a keeper reference, don't mind me. well, apparently the blonde girl did, as she started laughing at something.

"is something funny?" adri asked protectively, thinking she was mocking us. will cowered behind adri, and he pulled me behind him too.

"no, no. just laughing at the irony."

"i think i should take them." the redhead said.

"wait wait wait, take us where? you don't have permission to kidnap us in broad daylight!"

"you understood that? and also, technically you are trespassing on my property."

"of course i understood, why wouldn't i?"

silence ensured.

for some reason, the way they spoke, and now they're staring into each other's eyes, and...



"erm guys...i think we're in...can we discuss something privately please?"

"sure." although his tone held suspicion, he let us go anyway.

i pulled them a safe distance away, and started my explanation. "they could be listening, so i'm going to talk in japanese." yes we learned japanese solely because we got tired of cam screaming anime references at us and not understanding what he meant.

"why are you so paranoid?"


word count: 366 words

date published: 26 may 2021

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