CHAPTER 15:Blooming

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The slam scared them both and the staff were pretty startled as well.

"Well baby bro, I guess I should get going now", Yongseung said, winking at him after.

Kangmin was confused at first then it struck him what the older was trying to do.

"Oh okay then, see you tomorrow hyungie", He smiled.

"Go get him bro!", Yongseung cheered.

"I'll try", Kangmin said, and gave the older a quick kiss on the cheeks before letting him enter the car.


Yongseung was a smiling mess when he returned home, well he didn't expect visitors though, aka he almost had a heart attack when he saw Gyehyeon sitting on their couch.

"Sorry, the show was really good, hope you don't mind", The boy said.

"It's okay hyung, I agree, Bridgerton is quite the show, me and Kangmin already finished it, he was quite annoyed while watching though", Yongseung laughed.

"So about Kangmin, have you two made up?", Gyehyeon asked.

"Oh yeah, but Chan-hyung got super jealous", The younger smiled.

"And Kangmin is on a mission to cheer him up?", Gyehyeon asked.

"Exactly", Yongseung giggled.


Dongheon was pacing around his room waiting for a text from someone.

"Hey hyung, are you okay?", His little brother asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, get out", Dongheon harshly said.

While waiting he scrolled on his phone and saw Hoyoung's contact, and contemplated whether or not he should apologize.

He would be lying if he said that what Hoyoung screamed last time didn't hurt him.

He now realized that he also had feelings for the younger, but his squad and his parents pressured him.

"Dang it, screw this shit I'm sending him a text", He muttered, typed his apology and pressed send.

Though he didn't expect the younger to reply so quickly to him.


"Is this some type of joke!", Hoyoung exclaimed.

Yeonho just got out from the shower and peeked over the older's shoulder.

"Holy shit he actually apologized", Yeonho giggled.

"He said that he sent you one as well", Hoyoung said. The younger running to the dining room table to grab his phone.

"He did!", Yeonho said.

"I guess he is ready to change", Hoyoung sighed.

Yeonho sat beside him and cuddled him.

"Let's hope for the best hyungie, that Dongheon-hyung is ready to change", He giggled.

Hoyoung smiled and ruffled his hair.

"This is why I like you Yeonho, your positive energy is so contagious", He said.


Kangmin headed for the kitchen and saw the chefs working, he didn't want to bother them but he really wanted to do something for Minchan.

He is mustering up the courage to confess.

"Oh hello Mr. Kim!", One of the chefs greeted.

"Hello uhm, can I help?? I want to make something for Minchan-hyung", He asked.

"No problem sire, Mr. Hong loves sweets, here you can help me bake these cupcakes", The chef smiled.

Kangmin smiled back and walked towards him.

"Sorry sire, but we quite noticed that Mr. Hong has this big affection towards you, are you two perhaps, dating?", The chef asked.

Kangmin gave him a sad smile and shook his head.

"But I do like him a lot, I've actually had a liking to him since I transferred and always thought I had no chance since he is always surrounded by girls", Kangmin sighed.

Everyone in the kitchen heard what he said and the younger got shocked when he was pulled away.

"Planning to confess sire? Don't worry, we got you", They giggled.


Yongseung was dancing around his living room like a psycho and Gyehyeon just watched this happen.

"Just how long did Kangmin had a crush on him?", Gyehyeon asked.


"Yongseungie, do you have no plans on telling the others, or they don't know that Kangmin had feelings?", The older asked again.


Gyehyeon sighed at the younger boy and let out a chuckle.

"How about you?? Do you have any plans on confessing to Yeonho", Gyehyeon said.

That sentence alone made Yongseung stop altogether.

"What?", He asked.

"Don't play dumb, we know how much you like him", Gyehyeon smirked.

"Uhhh I don't know what you're talking about, how about you when are you planning on confessing to Yeonho?", Yongseung asked back.

"I did love him, I really did, but when I saw you both I let go of it Yongseung, don't mind me", Gyehyeon smiled.

"But hyung-"

And before Yongseung could even finish that sentence, Gyehyeon told him that he really is fine and scolded Yongseung about it.


"I guess Minchan-hyung would be really dead if he rejects Kangmin", Yeonho said.

"Oh he fucking will be, seeing Yongseung's outburst last time, Minchan should be fucking scared", Hoyoung laughed.

While the two were laughing about what Hoyoung said, the older's phone lit up, revealing a message from Dongheon.

"I love you"

Hoyoung fell from the sofa after he read that.

"He can't be fucking serious", He said, his emotions swirling around him and he's becoming dizzier by the minute.

"Hyung, it'll be fine, you like him too right", Yeonho smiled, helping him up.

"But this is Dongheon-hyung we are talking about, he won't pull this type of shit unless he wants to get disowned", Hoyoung sighed, then his phone lit up again.

"I meant it Bae Hoyoung, I love you, please don't leave me hanging"

"Arghhh!!! Yeonho what should I say??", Hoyoung asked, panicking.

"Calm down hyung and just say it back", Yeonho smiled as he massaged the older's shoulders to help him chill a bit.

"I love you too Lee Dongheon, want to meet up on Saturday?? With my friends?? My treat", He saw himself typing and took a deep breath before pressing send.

"Why with us??", Yeonho asked.

"Because I'm fucking terrified to be alone with him", Hoyoung answered as his phone lit up once more.

"Okay cool, I'd like to apologize to them as well, and to the ghost friend you guys have".

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