《 15 》𝑺𝒐𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑾𝒆𝒕

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I CAREFULLY SLIP out of my clothes, before placing them onto a pile on the floor.
The scolding hot water stings at my skin as I step into the shower. "Ouch."
Quickly, I adjust the water temperature cooler. Slowly, turning the temperature nobs.
Mmm, That's perfect.

I wet my head before fixing my attention towards the shower rack.
Usually, I just use a three-in-one bottle that contains: Shampoo, Conditioner, and body wash.
But Calvin has a separate bottle of each.
It's even in the expensive brand, I could never afford to annually buy.

I take about twenty minutes in the shower.
It's comforting to just allow the warm water to rush down my back and relax all of my nerves.

Eventually after feeling fully refreshed and cleaned off.
I shut the shower off, and carefully step out trying my best not to slip.

Danm it, I notice that there's no towel. Well, what now?
I slowly walk towards the door as water droplets glide down my body and drop to the floor.

"Calvin," I call out.

But when he doesn't respond. I try again.
"Calvin? I need a towel."

Ugh, it's no use. He probably can't hear me from the other side of the apartment.
It looks like I'll have to find a towel myself.
Hopefully, he doesn't see me naked.
The thought alone makes me wanna jump off from the side of the Manhattan bridge, from Extreme embarrassment.

I carefully walk with my bare wet feet to find a closet. That hopefully he keeps towels in.
Nope, no closet.
He must keep them folded away in his room.
I continue down the hallway to what I think is his bedroom.
I knock on the door then quickly step back.
There is no way in hell I can let him see me like this. So I quickly duck into another room, which I think is used for storage purposes.

"Sky?" Calvin opens the door.

"Uh, in here." My voice shakes from how anxious I am. "Don't come any closer, I'm naked and need a towel."

I hear Calvin chuckle, "Is that so?"

I poke my head out of the room, to catch Calvin with one of his Self-pride smirks on.

"Please I'm very exposed right now and just wanna cover-up." My shoulders tighten.

"Alright, I'll get you a towel."

"Thank you, really." I let out a breath.

"Under one condition," Calvin grins.

Oh no, this is Calvin we're talking about.
Of course, he wouldn't choose the easy option.
He'll choose the one that involves him mocking me.

"Condition?" I gulp.

"You've to come to get it yourself."

"W-w-What? But I'm naked..." I begin blinking rapidly from my intensifying fear.

"Well, if you really want this towel, I'd come to get it, if I were you." Calvin fakes a yawn.

Relax Sky. We're both boys. It's nothing he hasn't seen before. I repeat affirmations to calm myself.

No, no. I can't do this. My anxiety won't let me.

"This towel is so warm and fresh," Calvin taunts. "And all you gotta do is come take it."

I take a deep breath and shut my eyes. Here goes nothing.

I sprint out of the room. Hoping to quickly snatch up the towel and wrap it around me.
But that doesn't go as planned when my wet feet slip on the tiled floor. Causing me to trip over my feet and stumble Calvin and me both to the ground.

My naked body lands atop his.


𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝑨𝒍𝒍𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now