09. The Arrest of the Notorious Mr Boom Boom Thriller Killer

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It was early the very next morning. The town was still in a hubbub from yesterday, people whispering about what had happened, rumours spreading like wildfire. Still...nobody dared to go out on the street. For one, the sheriff's people were patrolling everywhere. For another, people were slightly hesitant about meeting the mad dynamite thrower. So, except for the sheriff's guards, nearly no one was out and about.

Which made it all the more surprising when two people were suddenly there, out in the open. The taller one tugging the smaller one behind him.

"You," I announced in a low voice, that still managed to clearly convey my death threat, "are going to pay for this."

"Au contraire, Mr Linton," Mr Ambrose told me without turning around. "I won't pay. I will be paid."


...are probably right, but I'm sure as hell not going to tell you that!

So, instead, I pointed out another rather pertinent fact.

"You'll get paid. And I'll end up in bloody prison!"

"Indeed. Don't worry. It's all part of my brilliant plan."

I felt the sudden urge to give him a brilliant kick in the butt.

"Come along, will you? And remember to stay in character now that we're in the open," he told me, and tugged at the rope which just so happened to be wound around my wrists and waist. "Be obedient and don't resist, heinous criminal scum, or I shall be compelled to use force."

I leaned forward. "You know," I whispered into his ear from behind, "For the first time engaging in rope play with my husband, this was not what I had imagined."

The rope twitched, betraying the way his hand jerked. I grinned.

"Mr Linton?"

"Yes, Sir?"

"You are an apprehended criminal. Do not smile. Scowl. Now!"

"How much of the bounty will I get if I do, Sir?"

"Move! And play your role, or we—"

Just then, a deputy sheriff approached, and his voice cut off. Blast! And I was just about to think up some juicy comebacks and insults to throw at my dear husband.


A grin spread across my face. I was supposed to be a desperado! I could curse and insult as much as I wanted!

"Let me go! Let me gooooo, you bloody stinking nutsack full of horse shit! I'll rip you limb from limb and stuff your bollocks down your throat until you choke! Then I'm gonna kick you until you puke them up again! Go get stuffed, you stinking, stone-faced copper!"

From everywhere around, people were staring. A muscle in my dear bounty hunter's face twitched, and he tugged at the rope.

"Cease complaining, criminal! You brought this upon yourself. Now move!"

"This is outrageous! I am innocent!"

"That's what they all say."

"I demand to see a lawyer, you bloody asshat! And a revolver, and a knife!"

"Silence! Get moving!"

With another tug, the black-hearted bounty hunter forced me forward. Oh, how my freedom-loving desperado's heart raged! To be brought low by a mere pawn of the justice system!

"Here you go."

Coming to a stop in front of the sheriff's office, Mr Ambrose, the bloody bounty hunter, grabbed me by the shoulders and shoved me towards the deputy at the entrance. The man stepped forward, blocking our way.

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