chapter 2 The day I was accidentally run into.

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chapter 2

              The day I was accidentally run into.

           Sarah decided to walk home and look some more while she had time, but then she noticed a ruckus ahead of her. Sarah was walking down the sidewalk, stopping to look at the different store fronts running up and down the street. When she looked up and saw the tall, dark haired, fair skinned man. He was weaving around people, like he was being chased by someone trying to kill him. She really didn't want to watch him, but in that moment his graceful movements and the stark fear on his handsome face caught her interest.

           It seemed like the two minutes, that it took him to reach the spot next to where she was standing, was an eternity. The next moment he ran smack dab into her, almost knocking her down. His only comment was a quick mumbled; “Oh, I’m sorry.” Before he ran off in the direction he was going.

           Why the unknown male had run into her? She had no idea and while she was distracted he had slipped something into her bag? So she didn't even realize that she had it, until she got back to her apartment over the ‘Laundry-o-Mat’ that her Aunt Maude and Uncle Scott owned and ran. As she was unloading the two bags of groceries, she found a pale almond colored, oval shaped gem. So she totally forgot the groceries.

            Sarah looked at the pale almond colored, oval shaped gem the size of a medium emerald. And thought to herself,’ Now what is this, and what am I suppose to do with it? And is this stolen from one of the stores that I walked by, or from someone’s home?’ Sarah went to the phone and called her Uncle Scott, and asked him to come upstairs. He said he would come up in just a few minutes; he just needed to lock up first.

           Sarah waited apprehensively for him to arrive, five minutes later, she finished putting away her groceries. Uncle Scott knocked on her door. She practically ran to the door, and jerked it open so her uncle could walk inside. She looked at him with worry painted in her eyes. Her uncle asked ‘What is the matter, Sarah? What happened today, while you were out?’

              Sarah shut the door quieter, than she had opened it. They walked through the hall, into the kitchen. She told him about the man who ran into her, and how she found the gem in her bag. And that the first person she thought of talking to was him, because he was the retired police chief.  They stopped and sat down at her small round table.  She took the gem out of her pocket, and handed it to him. So he could examine it better.

            As her uncle Scott looked at it, he felt warmth start to grow from it. He looked up at Sarah, with a look of complete shock. While the clock ticked away the seconds, the eg continued to get warmer to the point he almost dropped it. Because the eg was starting to form blisters, in his hand and on his fingers, Sarah caught it just before it fell and broke on the table. She did not want to lose it, in case the man who put in her bag came asking for it back.

             As soon as it was back in her hands, it went back to a cooler temperature. She asked her uncle “Why did you almost drop it?” when he stated that it was starting to burn him, she looked confused. Then she stated that “It is cool in my hand. Why don’t you let me see your hand?” He showed it to her and sure enough there were the blisters, big as life. Scratching her head, Sarah did not know why this happened at all.

              But she wanted to find out more about it, so she went online and looked up. ‘Why would a stone burn someone with no source of heat around? But then be cool in someone else hand?’ on the Google search engine. The first thing that came up was ‘myth and lore: Dragon eg burn people that the dragon don’t want to touch its shell. This is the dragon’s way of protecting itself while still in the developing stage inside of the eg, thieves are known to try and steal the eg from the parent dragon while the dragon is gone feeding.’

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