~Chapter 10~

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Sanjana's slippers slapped loudly against the pools of water formed by the rain that was still pouring down on her. She tried to cover her head with her shawl but it was useless, she was getting drenched either way. The sound of the droplets hitting the ground wasn't enough to drown out her heart pounding in her ears. She had no clue what Ajay had done to Mysha, and she had no idea why she was engulfed in fear for the other girl. This wasn't supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to get attached. Especially, not to someone like Mysha.

Her thoughts were going a mile a minute as she ran as fast as her feet could take her. Somehow, gasping for air and soaked from head to toe she managed to make it to the shop. It was wrecked from what Sanjana could make out among the rain blurring her vision. Using her shawl to cover her face she walked inside, water dripping off her and ruining the place even more. At this point, Sanjana didn't know if she was making more trouble for the brown-haired girl or if she was trying to help her out.

Maybe she was being selfish, but she couldn't help it. She needed to know if Mysha was okay. "Who are you?" a voice called from inside the shop.

Sanjana apprehensively made her way deeper into the store, her eyes lingering on the broken objects that laid scattered over the floor. She was sure it was Ajay. Oh, god, this was all her fault. Mysha should have never had to get involved. If only Sanjana wasn't such a wimp. If only she spoke up for herself. None of this would have happened.

"I'm a...friend of Mysha's," she said, in a shaky low voice.

She heard something drop to the floor with a loud clatter causing her to flinch. "Get out of my shop," the voice said, however, the man sounded more tired than angry.

"I'm- I just- I need to know if...if, uh or uh, is Mysha here?" she fumbled, not knowing what to say to the man.

"No, I don't know where she is. Now please just leave. I don't need more trouble." The man said, sounding completely drained. Sanjana felt her heart drop, what was she going to do now? How was she going to help? Could she even do anything to help? Fuck.

She wracked her brain trying to figure out how she could find Mysha. And finally, it hit her. Whenever Mysha needed to be alone she would go to their-wait no, her spot. The getaway among the trees.

Before she could stop herself, her feet carried her outside. There was no way she would make it by foot she needed something else. Her eyes scanned the area and to her luck, a cycle, albeit, wrecked was lying on the ground. She pulled it up and, after deeming it functional, she took off once again. Was this stealing? Holy shit, Sanjana just stole something. The things she was doing for this girl she just recently got to know was insane.

Her body was aching by the time she reached the deserted road, cycling in the rain was most definitely not the greatest experience for the otherwise sheltered girl. She practically jumped off the cycle when she saw a familiar motorcycle parked on the side of the road. A large grin took over her face before she could stop herself. She found her. She found Mysha. She couldn't stop her legs from carrying her down the slope of the hill. Running past the trees, remembering Mysha's hand in hers just a while ago. Mysha.

The girl who helped her break her routine. The girl who others deemed a menace was the one who she didn't know what she would do without. She had to have lost her mind, but for once, she didn't care.

As soon as she made it down the slope she was gasping for air, her hands on her knees, her head spinning with adrenalin. The rain had stopped.

"Sanjana?" a familiar voice called out causing her gaze to snap upward. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Mysha," she sighed, feeling her eyes stinging in relief.

Mysha looked down at the girl who now had a watery smile plastered on her worried face. Before she knew it Sanjana pulled her into a hug, and Mysha stood in absolute shock not knowing what to do with her hands. This was extremely unexpected. "I-Sanjana are you okay?" Mysha asked, finally wrapping her arms around the shorter girl's torso but not even a second later Sanjana pulled away abruptly, however, she didn't break the distance between them.

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