~Chapter 3~

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Mysha was never one to listen to people and that's exactly why she was revving her motorcycle in front of the house of a certain individual.

The door of the house flew open revealing an extremely distressed-looking Sanjana. She pulled her long black hair into a quick bun as she narrowed her eyes at Mysha. "I told you not to come here," she hissed, her eyes darting around nervously. 

Mysha shot her a grin, raising an eyebrow her.

Sanjana pulled up her skirt and slowly stomped out of her house, her eyes still cautiously scanning the area as she walked towards Mysha.

Mysha looked at the girl with a small smirk lingering at the corner of her lips, for some reason Mysha felt extremely pleased when she teased Sanjana. "Hey," Mysha said, revving her motorcycle again causing Sanjana to shoot her a deadly glare.

Mysha snickered.

"Would you stop that?" Sanjana hissed, scrunching her eyebrows together.

"You're cute when you're angry," Mysha teased, and Sanjana's eyes widened.

"W-What?" Sanjana fumbled, seemingly flustered. "You, uh, you need to leave. I told you not to come back and you came back twice now,"

"Is anyone home?" Mysha asked, completely ignoring Sanjana's pleas.

Sanjana huffed indignantly. "I do not see why that is relevant."

"Wanna come on a ride with me?" Mysha asked, with a smirk as she watched the girl's expression change, drastically.

"W-what- are you out of your mind?" She said, in a low voice as she looked around nervously hoping no one had heard. "You need to leave now,"

"No, not until you come with me," Mysha teased, folding her hands over her chest.

"Fine, get killed," Sanjana hissed, turning her back to Mysha before storming into her house.

Mysha rolled her eyes, laughing softly to herself. She didn't leave. She proceeded to rev her motorcycle, trying to annoy the girl into come out again. Not long after, Sanjana had walked to where Mysha was with a hard glare. "People are going to see you and they're going to think that I know someone like-like...you. I can't have that happen okay, I can't be associated with someone like you. Why don't you understand that you need to leave?"

Mysha raised an eyebrow at the girl. "And why can't you be associated with me?" She asked, with a smirk now getting off her motorcycle. Sanjana immediately started backing away from her, her eyes widening slightly.

Sanjana started freaking out as Mysha began approaching her, Mysha's light-coloured eyes scanning her weirdly. Mysha looked like someone from the north with her light brown hair and light hazel eyes but her features seemed so prominently South Indian, it confused her. "W-What are you doing?" Sanjana asked as Mysha continued inching closer to her. Sanjana backed away until her back was pressed up against the concrete wall of her house.

Sanjana could feel Mysha breath on her face, her heart pounding in her chest.

"You didn't answer my question," Mysha said, simply.

Sanjana pushed Mysha away, her eyes darting around, absolutely petrified by the thought that somebody had seen them. "Because you're insane!" She whisper-shouted, narrowing her eyes at the light-haired girl.

Mysha snickered in response. "I'm not going to tell you you're wrong but you're not getting rid of me that easily, Jaan,"

"What does that-what did you call me?" Sanjana asked, her eyes widening slightly.

Mysha winked at her before turning away from the black-haired girl and getting on her motorcycle, satisfied. "I'll see you later," Mysha said, revving her motorcycle on last time before taking off, leaving Sanjana absolutely flustered and confused.

Mysha couldn't stop thinking of the girl on her ride back home, she  intrigued her. Every aspect of her seemed so stuck up from the outside but Mysha had a feeling the girl wasn't the person she put herself out to be. Sanjana wasn't 'Sanjana' she was the girl her parents wanted her to be. The girl who needed to do everything right. Why else was she trying to help Mysha? She could have simply not done anything and let Mysha get attacked.

But Sanjana helped.


"Oi! Are you trying to kill me?" Her uncle called out, she didn't have any family and he was the closest to it. He took her in after he realized that she had no place to go. She worked in his car shop when she had first arrived to earn money. He didn't care about the fact that she was a girl and she was doing things so heavily placed in the men's category. He was just glad to have someone around.

"Sorry!" She yelped, swerving around him before coming to an abrupt stop.

"Get your mind out of the gutter!" He yelled, wiping his greasy hands against his shirt as he glared at her. Mysha let out a little snicker getting off her motorcycle and pulling her helmet off causing her cropped hair to fall against her shoulders. "You won't be laughing when you're at my funeral!"

"I said sorry," she said, still snickering at him causing him to flick her forehead. "Shekar Mama!" (Mama-uncle)

"That's what you get for being so careless. Did you go to that colony again? I told you to stay away from there! You're going to get your-"

"Calm down," She said, walking past him, washing her hands before she grabbed some leftover food from inside the shop, her uncle following closely behind her. She peeled open the banana leaf, revealing a steaming glob of rice. "Nothings going to happen. I'm being careful,"

"Careful my ass!" He said, narrowing his eyes at her. "You better get your act together and stop going there, I don't understand why you have to go and bother them."

A small smirk played at the corner of her lips thinking of the black-haired girl. "It's fun," she shrugged.

"Fun?! Fun!" He scoffed, as he scooped some curry onto the rice for her. "It'll be great fun for me when I have to carry your dead body over here won't it?"

Mysha rolled her eyes. "Nothing. Is. Going. To. Happen." She pressed, shoving handfuls of rice into her mouth.

"Eat like a woman will you?" He said, glaring at her. He knew she wouldn't listen to him, she never liked when he brought up gender roles so instead. So as Mysha usually does she did the opposite of what she was told, she started chewing loudly with her mouth open. "What in the world-You better get your ass to fixing the motorcycles after this,"

"Yeah, yeah," she said dismissively before she remembered that she had wanted to ask him something. "Do you know which family lives in the big blue house in the middle of the colony?"

She watched her uncle's eyes widen. "The Menons?! You better not be messing with that family, Mysha," he warned, worry evident in his face. "They're not people to mess with,"

Mysha rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, I'm not messing with them," Just their daughter.

"Mysha," he pressed, staring at her with a threatening glare. "Do not,"

"Okay, okay," She said, with a chuckle raising her free hand in mock surrender.

"Eat fast and get to work," he said, shaking his head in disapproval at her.

Mysha loved messing with him.


Jaan-my life/my one and only in Hindi
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