~Chapter 5~

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Sanjana sat upright, drenched in sweat, breathing heavily. 'It was just a nightmare' she told herself, trying to calm down. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her eyes darting around the dark room.

She used to get nightmares ever since she was a kid, but she never remembered them at that time. All she remembered was jolting awake, covered in sweat.

But ever since recently the images from her nightmares were no longer forgotten.

She slowly made her way outside, the cold air of the night stinging her face. She wrapped her arms around herself, in attempt to keep warm. During the night everything seemed calm, there were no birds chirping, no cars, just the wind and the small creatures of the night.

She took a seat on the little slab of her porch before she pulled her knees up to her chest slowly drifting back to sleep, her back resting against the cold marble pillar.

"Sanjana? Sanjana?" She heard someone yell causing her to jolt awake. She turned to look at the person who had awoken and her gaze was met with her mother's cold glare. "I thought you already left for college! You're so late! You have your exams today don't you?!"

Sanjana's eyes widened as she felt her heart drop. "What time is it?" She asked, frantically.

"It's 9 o'clock already! Doesn't your exam start in another fifteen minutes? How careless could you be Sanjana! We worked so hard to send you to college and you do this?!" She yelled, causing Sanjana to flinch slightly, her eyes stinging with tears. Sanjana was sensitive, her tears controlled her. "Stop crying and go get ready!"

Sanjana nodded, wiping her face aggressively. She rushed inside the house before pulling on some clothes and rushing outside. There was no way she would make it on time if she walked. Her father hadn't gotten up yet and she didn't dare call him.

She pulled on her shoes and started speed-walking, her heart still pounding in her chest. Just then she heard a familiar revving and let out an audible groan.

Not today. Mysha had been following her for the past week whenever she went to college, constantly offering her a ride.

Sanjana tried to ignore the grumbling of the motorcycle behind her.

Mysha whistled at the distressed-looking girl but Sanjana didn't stop walking. "Oi! What's going on?" She asked, slowing her motorcycle enough to be in pace with the black-haired girl. "Why are you in such a rush?"

Sanjana ignored her, clutching her satchel against her chest. She was trying to remember everything she had learned for her exam. She had to make it.

"I can give you a ride if you're in hurry," Mysha tried, but Sanjana continued ignoring her. "Come on! I have an extra helmet, no one would know,"

"I'm going to be late," Sanjana mumbled under her breath.

"What did you say?" Mysha asked, trying to catch a glimpse of the girl.

"Okay," Sanjana said, stopping abruptly on her tracks. Mysha slowly came to a stop as well, taking off her helmet before turning to face the girl. Sanjana had her gaze trained to the ground. "Give me a ride to my college,"

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