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Happy birthday to TemperamentalTerpsichorean! :D I want to say thank you to y'all that came to read this. If you're wondering, where's Selever? He comes in this chapter lol. Also kudos to the LGBTQ fam! If you didn't know, reader is genderless and Scyent is a genderfluid that uses xe/xem neopronouns. :]

Song of this chapter is Phantom [Alastor's Song] by NateWantsToBattle
Yes I'm a Hazbin Hotel fan. Always Hazbin.


Markus walked up to the blackboard and took out a tiny Blare from his pocket. He placed it on the head desk and covered his ears, watching the tiny creature waddle around. As though one, the other students also covered their ears. Y/n was a moment too late as the Blare let out a high pitched shriek throughout the school. They winced as the sound hurt their ears, quickly getting their hands up to cover it. Just as they did, the noise died out, the Blare waddled back to Markus as he lowered his hands and cupped it, placing the tiny creature back in his pocket to feed off some straw hidden in there.

"Alright!" He clapped his hands together. "Time to start today's Extra Magick lesson! Before we continue, I would like our newcomer to introduce themselves." With that, Y/n stood up and walked up to the front, a small smile gracing their lips.

"The name is Y/n. I'm pretty sure some of you have heard of me as one of the hygiene monitors. Pleased to meet you. I'm interested in learning some extra Magick with you guys." They bowed as the students chorused, 'Hello Y/n' with perfect synchronization.

Markus gestured to Y/n to go back to their seat and took out a small rod from his hand, pressing a button and tossing it in the air, watching it lengthen mechanically and caught it.

"So today, we're gonna be learning about Pantheons! So I want someone to tell me, what do you know about Pantheons?" With that, half the students had gone and raised their hands, including Y/n. "Ah, why not we let Y/n try?"

Y/n stood up, dusting off their pants as they spoke. "The name 'Pantheon' is from the Ancient Greek 'Pantheion' meaning 'of, relating to, or common to all the gods'. When used in terms of Magick, it's directed to the group of gods. For example, the Roman Pantheon, Greek Pantheon, Egyptian Pantheon and moreso."

"That is correct! You may sit down." Markus grinned, gesturing to the board as chalk scribbles appeared. "Now look here, in a pantheon, there are deities. I want to remind you that deity work is a very serious commitment. If you do not take it seriously or overlook what I am telling you there can be serious problems like energy draining, biting off more than you can chew and offending gods. Please before you work with deities chat with higher witches about it first. We won't yell at you, we just want you to be safe.."

Y/n was much more interested. A serious commitment? They could use it. Markus unbottled a jar of mysterious black fumes that flew out and took the form of a miniature humanoid figure. The tiny person waved at the students.

"Entities can mask as deities which is also a very serious problem so it's best if you talk to someone of a more advanced level about any questions with deity work. However, I'm sure that a lot of you have read up on it. You may choose to opt out if you don't want to devote yourself to a deity. That's fine. Anyone here that wants to opt out?"

A few students had raised their hands but most remained. Markus gave an understanding nod. "Sure thing! You guys may sit in the back and work on how to banish an entity in-case! You never know!" The students then proceeded to huddle together and pulled out books of different accords.

"Now back to those that are choosing this route. You use altars to communicate with your deity. There are different kinds, some are the do-it-yourself pocket sized ones and some are those rather extravagant must-fill-the-whole-desk kind."

Ichor Peonies: A Selever x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now