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Again, sorry for the long break ;A; Demotivation in general has been tough and all I wanna do is sleep. But I finally gathered enough strength to write another chapter >:P
I'm mostly filling in plot holes and setting the future up cause teehee, when I put an angst tag, I put an angst tag.

Song for this chapter is Gasoline by Halsey


The sun was high in the distance behind the mountains that hid the school of Crythis. Autumn was coming to an end and more students wore the winter cloak. Blue snuggled quietly in the battered basket of it, the inside lined with folded up tablecloth. Just then, the table which the basket was laid on shook, jolting the Glowrb awake and flung it out of the basket, hitting the wall as it gave a small yelp and landed on the ground, dazed.

"Oh, Blue! I'm so sorry I didn't see you! I was distracted." Y/n walked over to Blue, scooping it up in their hands as the creature lay on its bed. "I placed my bag on the table and shook it again. Whoops." They chuckled as Blue lay confused on its back, trying to flip itself. They helped it by turning it over and setting it back in its basket. They chuckled and flopped on their bed.

"Lookie me. So dang fixated on getting Selever back with his sister. I may be an only child but that doesn't mean I can't understand how he feels." Y/n said, talking their thoughts aloud to themselves as they always did. It was hard to control, really. They gazed upon the crumpled paper beneath Blue's basket, the edges charred from when they had accidentally summoned Selever.

Now, the school accepted demons, faeries, and all sorts. But summoning one unsupervised was a big no-no. Trying to summon two? Y/n could kiss their ass goodbye. "It's not like I can just open a hole outside of reality though. Grrr." They growled to themselves as they planted their face in their pillow, screaming out their stress before getting up and staring at Blue who found the situation amusing.

"Whatchu lookin at, pal?" Y/n chuckled as Blue stared at them in a daze before laying its head to sleep. They mildly shook their heads in amusement as they stared back at the pile of sketches, trying to decipher the circle that had summoned Selever and see if they could tweak it to get him back.

"Or get his sister here... Or get his sister here! Why didn't I think of that?" Y/n gasped as they smacked the table once more with their clogged grimoire, sending Blue flying through the air and smacking the wall again. "Oops."


"N/n. Seriously?" Scyent stared at them in disapproval, shaking xems head. "If you summon another imp, who knows how imbalanced your intentions are."

"Scyent, I'm being serious. Besides, I feel partially responsible for having brought Selever here in the first place. It's only right-" Y/n was interrupted by Scents tutting.

"N/n, hunny, no way am I risking double time for this. I may be your best friend, and perhaps your only friend cause we're fucking cowards, but that don't mean that I won't stop you." Xe placed xems hand on their shoulder, giving a rather scolding look.

Y/n pushed Scyent off and huffed. "I mean, it's just another devil. What's the worst that could happen?" They shrugged.

Scyent groaned, eyes half lidded in a tired expression. " 'What's the worst that could happen?' Look Y/n, I know it's your guilt working but please, for the love of God, let me have my afternoon sleep. I can't worry about you anymore if I don't get my much required beauty sleep."

Y/n scoffed, grabbing xems blanket off xems bed. "Not if you agree to help me." Xe grumbled.

"Fine. You owe me an Empire Waist dress from Taylor's, preferably the one in purple gossamer." Scyent smirked, delighted at Y/n's mildly irritated expression.

"A trade huh?" They grinned. "Okay then. As long as you pick out my outfit for the Winter Ball. You have a much better fashion sense than I do anyways." Now this would be a great deal.

Scyent shrugged. "You're paying anyway. So let me have my sleep and I won't tell anyone."

"Deal." Y/n and Scyent shook hands.

Scyent flopped on xems bed, yanking the blanket from Y/n's hand. "Now why don't you go pester that imp, or I don't know. And avoid Aliana, that bitch is so negative all the flowers rot around her. She ain't gonna care about what you say unless it damages her reputation."

"Yeah. I know." Y/n rolled their eyes as they took their cloak and scarf, hanging the necklace denoting their rank as head hygiene monitor around their neck. They waved goodbye and walked down the cavernous hallways to the underground common room.

The ceiling was held in place by a lot of shafts and pillars. Seats were scattered all over the room along with tables to go alongside it, as well as a minibar. The underground common room had originally been constructed as a tavern but it had sunk under the silt, and upon the construction of Crythis, the magic surrounding the land had terraformed the underground as well as expanding the halls with more secrets than above ground and in the aerial dorms.

The centre was a hole in the ground extending below into the mines while a hole denoting the surface entrance could be seen at the very top of the common room to let the elevator in. Grates lined the edges, twisting and turning in an array of gold. Y/n stepped in front of the elevator as people around them chatted away. They pressed the call button labelled 'Surface' as they waited for the elevator to come from above.

The buzzing sound could be heard as the floating elevator lowered itself to Y/n's level, slowing down upon reaching it's stop, the grating weaving open to let them in as they tugged their scarf tighter around them to not get it stuck as the grating wove itself back around them protectively, reaching the roof of the elevator. As all Crythis elevators did, the school logo was dead center as Y/n felt the elevator lurch upward.

The grates unraveled, letting Y/n out as another elevator shuddered beside them having ascended from above. From in there, the orange tipped cocoa curls of its owner came out, a sweater worn over the school uniform as she glanced in Y/n's direction, pupils widening slightly before returning to normal.

"Oh hey, Y/n. Whatcha doing?" Kris wandered over to Y/n's side, giving a wide berth of a grin as the latter rolled their eyes.

"You're in cahoots with Aliana, yes?" They asked, glaring at Kris in uncomfort at the close distance.

Kris tensed before backing up. "I mean- Yeah. Not that you should have to bother me in my business. Besides, you're with that Selever, yeah?"

Y/n nodded, eyes fixed upon Kris' locket, a small peridot embedded in the copper. "Yeah... I'm Selever's friend."

"Well good then." Kris shrugged, digging through her pocket. She extracted a tiny box and forcefully placed it into Y/n's hand. "Aliana told me to give it to Selever, but I have to go grab something from Lav Fire's and another from Viestornatus. It's for Aliana. I'm sure you understand. Tata!"

"Wait!" Y/n shouted but Kris had already gone off, muttering incoherent curses in an unbeknownst language. They stared down at the small box in their hand, it's size similar to the box of a wedding ring. It seemed suspicious but they shrugged it off.

They were going to see Selever anyway. Why not bring it to him?


:D I missed you guysss. I've been trying to practice other genre of writing for an upcoming writing competition where our story gets published lol. I guess that explains the hiatus and no updates thing ^^ sorry

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