Accused serial killer Harry styles, gets sent to prison for life. A Stanford student, Althea is an assigned lawyer for Harry's case . Will it workout between them or go terribly wrong..
Enemies to lovers
"Styles! We got some news on the lawyer coming in tonight!" An officer called out from the other end of the door.
Wait tonight? I thought she was supposed to be coming in around a week.
"Wrong cell honey bunch. Also please do me a favour and let me sleep it's six am." I groan. I pull back the light blanket over my head and bounce my head on the pilllow. I close my heavy eyelids and sigh.
"Nope, change of plans Styles. Ms. Vela's plane was schedualed to arrive at seven tonight. Get up and start to get ready!" He taps the door loudly to make sure i'm awake and leaves me alone with Niall's loud snoring. How did he sleep through that.
I drag myself out of bed and head to the metal sink in the back of the room. I let the cold water run and start to wash my face. Since we're in jail we never get the luxery to buy any sort of face wash, latley my skin has been very dry because of it. Who knew a high security and high tech jail wouldn't have enough money to buy me one bottle of soap. I'm not the only one who needs it as well. Poor Zayn is starting to have acne because of it.
I finished scrubbing my face and grabbed my toothbrush. I plop a pea sized amount of toothpaste onto the bristles. Dental hygiene is one of my top priorities, I can't go a day without brushing my teeth at least twice a day. My teeth are my pride and joy, I never had braces or any type of cavity. I'm trying to keep this record, even though i'm in jail. I brush for 2 minutes in a circular motion making sure to get every tooth in my mouth.
"Good morning sunshine!" Niall beams. He stretches and jumps off the top bunk. He joins me and starts to brush his artificial straight teeth. What do I mean by that, he had braces. Niall was a little brace face back then, would've loved to see that.
I spat the toothpaste out of my mouth into the sink. Niall then looks at me with excess toothpaste in his mouth saying " To spit or to swallow is the question here." I quickly hit Niall in the back of the head, spilling out all of the tooth paste.
"Ah! Whatchu do dat for!" His accent came out as he whined. Spitting the rest out of his mouth. Dropping the toothbrush along with it.
"I guess you're a spitter Niall," I remarked with a cheeky grin as I walked back to my bottom bunk taking out a book, opening it where I left off, and sitting on the mattress with my back against the wall. There aren't many activities to do here and my last resort was books, which I used to despise but I grew quite fond of them. I've read the whole Twilight series two times because people don't keep me entertained around here. You might be wondering why Twilight, that's all they had okay.
Niall comes to sit next to me and asks me a particular question.
"Apparently your new and improved lawyer is coming tonight! How are you feeling?"
"How do you know about that, weren't you sleeping?"
"You expected me to sleep through Mr. Baldie's tantrum he pulled? Ya no way. I'm flattered you think I could" He huffed along with an eye roll with a cheeky grin waving his hand in a 'stop it motion'
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