chapter one- The letter

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*check chapter 7 for trailer *
Harry POV:

"Get up Styles!''

This officer can't leave me alone for one fucking minute. He continues to punch the iron door separating us. Suddenly I hear paper being passed under the door. The banging then stops and footsteps get quieter until I am left alone in silence.

Quickly I got up and headed to the door to spot an envelope. Since when do I get written to? I read the address on the front, San Francisco, California.

My anxious fingers fiddle to open the red wax pressed seal. I open the three way folded paper revealing a letter from Althea Vela. I've never met or heard of an Althea,

Dear Pen Pal,

My name is Althea Vela. I am 20 years old and I live in San Francisco, California. I study at Stanford University. I've been assigned to you by my Law professor, Dale Usher. He wants me to reach out of my comfort zone and dip into writing about criminology. I've never been interested in these types of cases, I found them quite gore and difficult to withstand since I have no experience on it. However, my Professor started me off strong to assign me to you and your case, Harry Styles. I have a booked flight for next month to get started on the case, in the meantime we can keep in touch. I expect a reply from you Mr. Styles, have a nice rest of your day.


Althea Vela

How would she know what's good for me? I've been in this cell for three years and I'm doing just great-

"Styles, what's up with the face?" my cellmate interrupts my thoughts.

" What do you mean, the face?" I act offended

Niall scoffs under his breath, " Dude I've literally been stuck with you for three years. I think I have memorized your million faces by now." he continues, "Pass the paper"

Before I have time to say anything he grabs the paper out of my hand, almost ripping it in half.

"Moody bitch." He sighs under his breath.

    I watch his eyes start to scan the paper quickly, suddenly his eyebrows start to furrow but surprisingly he then looks up to me with a cheeky grin.

    "So you're like her experiment huh. The name Althea sounds kinda hot, reminds me of porn star I use to-

" Niall. Stop, I don't want to know." I eagerly cut him off.

He then shoots me the dramatic pouty lip and sighs heavily.

Drama queen.

" No, but for real you should actually reply, y'all can hit it off and maybe she'll have a hot friend for me." Another grin spreads across his face as he chucks me back the papers.

" Niall if you actually think that I'd do this, you're  insane I- "

"Hey! Just remember she could bail you out."

Actually he might be right. If she works hard enough on my case and doesn't give up like my old ones, she might be able to cut my sentence short. I look up at him tearing my eyes away from the papers in my hands and grin back at him.

"Niall that's kinda the point."

He pulls a grin and brings up both hands to point his fingers at me in a gun formation with a lousy wink.

I walk over to the little desk that's in front of our bunk bed and pull the stool to my left and sit down. I grabbed the black pen that has been sitting on the desk for over a few years without being touched. We either end up losing the pens or giving them away to our friend Zayn. He's everyone's tattoo artist here since we can't get them 'professionally' done, he does it for a low price. We gave him a pack of pens for his birthday once, how sweet of us.

I started to ponder on what I should write, it took me a few times to write it correctly. It was extremely painful to act nice n sweet, but I think it ended up decent.

Dear Althea,

I'm extremely flattered that Dale chose me. I wouldn't mind helping you with your little project. In your next letter, ask some questions and I'll answer them, as truthful as I can. Take care.


Harry Styles

I called out to Niall who was on the toilet right next to me, for his opinion on my letter. He grasps the paper, reads it quickly and speaks aloud " That's ass" and throws it in the toilet under him. I made out a subtle gasp, it nearly took me an hour to write that. Then he gets off the seat pulling his pants back up, looks me dead in the eye and flushes my letter down with his turd.

"I'll do it."

With determination he pushes me off the stool, takes my place and begins to write. He's concentrating so hard he's licking his lips over and over like some sort of tick.

Dear Althea,

It would be my pleasure to get to know you and work together on my case. I've been through plenty of lawyers and non of them did it for me, I rather fired them or they quit. Your professor made a great choice. Please salute him for me. When you get this letter please start writing down as many questions you would want me to answer. Any questions would do, my childhood, my criminal past and fun facts. So don't take too long to write back! Take care Althea.

Sincerely ,

Harry Styles

I look over his letter a few times making sure it was perfect. This man could be a real idiot sometimes but man he has the talent to write letters, he's sweet and approachable on paper but in reality a real douchebag.

Suddenly, the lunch siren rings and everyone is scrambling out of their cells to the courtyard. Niall and I grab the note and follow the others for our first meal of the day.

author note:

this is the first chapter basically a introduction to the general area where its located, its all going to make sense at the end. hold on


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