Accused serial killer Harry styles, gets sent to prison for life. A Stanford student, Althea is an assigned lawyer for Harry's case . Will it workout between them or go terribly wrong..
Enemies to lovers
"Open the fuck up Althea, I know you're there!" I shutter at the words. What the fuck is Oscar doing here? Is he seriously mad at me for doing my job, I get that he's worried for me. But not to the point where he's screaming and pounding at my apartment door in the middle of the night.
"What's fucking Davis doing here." That's what Naya calls Oscar. She always calls people she doesn't like by their last name. She hates Oscar, she finds him a cocky prick with mommy issues. His mother left him when he was only eight which made him extremely clingy.
"I can hear you Naya, open the door before I bust it down myself!" Oscar still ponding the door, I honestly feel bad for it. My hearts beating so fast I loose all control of my limbs. I probably look like an idiot just standing here but I feel like I just looked into Medusas eyes.
" I'd like to see you try, you fucking wimp!" Naya shouts back reaching the same tone as Oscar. I can almost see the fume coming out of her ears as the words come out of her mouth, the amount of rage towards him is unreal.
"Stop Naya," I say quietly before going to unlock the door, there was no getting out of this. It was rather open the door and dealing with it or have a broken door and paying the expenses and still having to deal with Oscar.
As I open the door I get a glimpse of Oscars face, its full of rage. His eyes are beating out of his head and his eyebrows are so furrowed you'd think they'd create permanent marks in his face. His mouth opens slightly at the view of my presence, still full of madness across his face.
"What are you doing here? Its 11:45 at night you're going to wake up the neighbours." I whisper shout with confusion and fear in my voice.
"You hung up on me and haven't answered my," He looks down at his phone and opens the phone app pointing to the 74 missed calls. "74 missed calls! Are you insane, I've been trying to reach you for 4 hours now! Do you know what you made me do!" I go to open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off immediately. " I left work, almost got into a car crash and got a ticket for speeding! Do you know how that makes me look! Like a criminal." He spat out so viscously I couldn't believe my eyes.
He's always had a short temper but was good at managing it so he wouldn't thrash out at people like he's doing right now. Lately I've noticed more and more anger within him. He says it's because of how hard his job is. He works at a financing place, I honestly don't know what he does, I zone out every time he mentions it.
My lack of response leaves him in fury, his eyes start to water and stares me straight in the eyes just shaking his head in disappointment.
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He continued, "You couldn't even call me back or anything ? You left me panicking, you didn't answer me for hours Althea Vela."
The mention of my whole name made me giggle to myself. Is he seriously blaming me on this, this idiot.
"Yes, Oscar Davis. I didn't answer you because you were getting on my last fucking nerve. You call and call over and over like some psychopath! You act like you own me. Which you don't. Please do me a favor and leave. For good." I state with a stern and vocal attitude. I didn't care if anyone heard, they are probably already awake from Oscars drum practice on my door earlier.