❤️ ⛅ - You're an idiot.

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ship: romantic Lander, a bit of platonic Stuke + Stander 

genre/mood: angst-fluff mix 

Request byiiCloudyDevilii 

a.n - wish Luke a happy birthday because as I post this it's almost May 19. do it 

Luke's POV 

Bzzzz. Bzzzz. Bzzzz. 

"You've reached Zander. Leave a me-" 

I shut the call for the second time in despair, sighing in frustration. Zander had told me to wait at the schoolyard for him yesterday, and that he'd meet up with me here. 

I contemplate booking it to his house to make sure he's okay. Checking the time on my phone, I have about ten minutes until class starts. It may be enough time... 

No. I trust him, he'd tell me if he wasn't coming. I check my phone again, and the number changes on the luminescent clock, showing me just how much the time likes to taunt me. 

I look toward the direction of our paths from home, only to find someone else appearing from the distance. 

"Stacy, hi!" I wave my hand at her, giving her a friendly smile. 

She perks up, speeding up into a trot until she reaches me. In her hands, a small white cube masterfully hides whatever's inside. I examine it for a few seconds before looking at her face. 

"Hey, Luke." She glances behind me, and her eyes widen. Before she walks past, she gives me a quick sympathetic smile. "Sorry, I have to go." 

I look behind me to find Zander walking in my direction. He looks at Stacy's box with a hint of confusion before reverting his focus back to me. 

"So were you at school the whole time I was waiting here?" I ask him as he walks up to me, wrapping his arms around my torso. 

"Yeah, I've been a bit busy this morning. Sorry I didn't tell you." 

We stand, clutching each other for about a minute until he pulls away from me, resting his hands on my shoulders. 

"As much as I'd love to stay, I've got things to do. I'll... see you at band practice." He hesitates with his last words, slowly lifting his hands and bringing them to his sides. I don't get the chance to question him as he dashes into the building. 

"...See you there." 

[timeskip] Third Person POV 

Sitting behind his laptop, his cheek resting on his palm, Sean looks up to see Hailey pacing back and forth, yet again checking the hallway for any sign of Zander and Milly. She lets out a loud sigh and returns back to her scheduled pacing. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to look for them?" He shut the lid and rests his headphones on the closed device. Luke hops off of his seat and looks at the present club members, clearly worried about the others too. 

"I'll come with." 

Sean remembers the one request Zander asked of him today, and that was to not let Luke know what he was doing. Knowing he'd break his promise if he let Luke help, he shakes his head at the drummer. 

"You should practice instead. We both know that rhythm needs some work. Besides, I've already got the track set up. You can just press play." 

He hesitates, skeptical of Sean's reasonings. "You sure?" 

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