💛 🌤️ - Daisy, right?

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Platonic Jander angst-fluff. I stuck to my word. What a first impression

a.n - I was never one of those hardcore Jander shippers. Wasn't around during that era. For anyone who's lived and breathed those times, how was it?

Anyway, I wrote this for a discord server. My first ever oneshot being Jander, feeling good :D  

Ships: platonic Jander, also a bit of Lander (because I couldn't help myself)

genre/mood: Angst-fluff mix [on the fluff side]

Request by: N/A - myself lmao

3rd person POV


A pitch black room, illuminated by a sole television. Only two people remain awake in the entire house; everyone else has fallen into the void of slumber.

One of them yawns. His eyelids start to fall over his lavender eyes, but he's nudged back into alertness by his acquaintance.

"You said you were going to finish this with me, Zander."

A pair of tired eyes glances over at the digital clock, four red numbers separated in the middle by a single colon. 21:47.

"Jake, we're closing in on midnight. I think it's best we both got some shut-eye."

Despite his comrade's plea, his obstinacy prevails. One clammy hand lets go of the controller to push back his messy peach locks. "Alright, go. I'll just win by myself then."

This seems to alarm the purple-haired boy, as he quickly turns around, reluctantly grabbing his controller again to continue to play with Jake.

A few minutes pass, and Jake suddenly erupts with a soft, restrained groan. He slams down the controller and leaves the room, leaving Zander to himself. Not knowing what to do, he turns off the TV and follows Jake. The room is left to the shadows of night.

He finds the frustrated club member in the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water. He turns around to face Zander, a slight look of shame on his face.

"You, uh, want some water?"

Zander nods, and a second cup is extracted from the counter. Silence ensues, the absence of conversation filled with a single open tap.

Jake hands a half full cup to Zander, proceeding to turn back to the faucet, splashing water on his face several times before quickly shutting the water flow and taking a large gulp out of his cup.

Unsure what to do, Zander takes a sip from his cup before deciding to talk to Jake.

"You alright?"

"Huh?" Jake shakes his head to shake himself out of a sort of trance, putting a hand to his face. "Not really. Promise not to tell anyone something?"

Zander hesitantly nods, allowing his frazzled companion to speak.

"You know, I'm really happy for you and Luke. You two were meant to be together."

His few words manage to fluster Zander. He had confessed to his boyfriend only a mere day ago, and the thought that he was taken by the person he loved was still too new for him.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." He takes a few drinks from his cup, trying to calm himself down.

Jake returns a weak smile before getting to his point. "There's someone on my mind. I want to confess to her because I think I have a chance, you know... you two made it look so easy."

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