Chapter 1

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After hours of endless searching I found what I was looking for. My red Gucci platform peeps.

You would think me of all people would be organized. You know,the girl who works for a secret society is supposed to be organized. Well, I am, I'm just not like that at home. I used to be organized but ever since the NYCSA accepted me I lost my organization at home. Now I don't know where anything is at home. I would probably be O.K. if I had someone to tell me to clean up but I can't live with anyone. No friends or family because they would see my work.

That makes me sound like I'm alone, I know. But... I'm not. I have my sweet pit-bull Margo and Skylar is, well my best friend. Plus it's not like I live in a big mansion. I could if I wanted but I'd rather stick with my apartment. 

Back to reality though. I slipped my red Gucci on with ease. I had paired it with my white pants, red blouse, gold bangles and my gold heart necklace. I would never left without it. I loved it. "Well", I thought, "You, Veronica Margret Ashcroft, look beautiful." I smiled to myself. " I'm ready to go on a mission." And with a flip of my hair I ran out the strutted out the door.

I slid into my black Honda while in the middle of calling Ethan. He answered immediately but I spoke first before he could utter a word. "Why do you of all people have to be Jae's assistant!" "Well then, hello to you too." He replied, "And by the way I'm not in the field yet so until then I'm stuck here. Make a right at Wall's street, go straight, make a left and take the next right. You'll see a plaza, go  to the DSW. Designer Shoe Warehouse. Drax and Vossler will be 'meeting' at 3:30. Don't forget to steal the file's. Oh, can I ask you something?" I sighed " Sure, shoot. no pun intended." "Why, do YOU hate ME so much?" He asked. I laughed. God sometimes he could be stupid. "You'll never know." I replied right before I hung up on him.

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