Chapter 3

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A rang both Skylar and Ethan up and did a 3 way call. The both answered at the same time. I told them the whole story, glad I could stuff it in Ethan's face. "That's great Verna!" Skylar said. Ethan scoffed. "Next time it won't work. It's a good thing they don't know you," He said being obnoxious. "Well", I started, "If you did it the whole agency would have fallen apart." I could imagine him rolling him brown eye's at me even though I wasn't there. "Guy's! Stop fighting!" Sky complained. "You know what." "What" we both said. "I think you guy's fight so much so that you don't have to admit you like each other." Even though we were on the phone I blushed. Ethan spoke first, "What gave you that idea?" "Well...something did." she said before hanging up on both of us.

"Well then..." I said. "I'm sorry she said all that and made everything so weird I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't worry about it."


"Well I'll see you at the agency then." I said.


We both hung up after that.

I just sat in the car for a few seconds until I realized I needed to leave before Drax and Vossler realized who I was and that I switched the papers. With my head spinning and heart beating fast I drove to the quarters. 

I needed to call Jae. Pulling out my I-Phone I called her. Or more like Ethan. He answered, of course. "Hello" he mumbled as if I had just woken him up from a nap; even though I just called him 5 minutes ago.

"Hello sleeping beauty." I said, "Did I wake you up from your nappy?"

He grumbled something but all I heard was "Be-och, bguoanvkweiuh, Thank you very much!"

"Watever," I replied, "I need to talk to Jae."

He transferred the call without saying a word to me. Ass,  I thought.

Jae answered. "Darling I don't know what made you think you could do such a think like that. I promoted you for a reason and now your making me regret it. Meet me at the auditorium." she said in one big breath, before she hung up on me. 

God, I was in some deep trouble. But I did what she wanted I got her the files. And now I wasn't even being appreciated for it. 

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