Chapter 15

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Sakusa's POV

We stand in the gym running laps. I'm in the lead unsurprisingly with Hinata right behind me. Atsumu is in the middle. I try my best to take slow breaths but it's hard. On the 5th lap Atsumu starts to get closer to the front. Hinata laughs as he passes me. I would try and catch up to him but I'm too tired. My limbs burn and I feel like taking a long nap. When Coach Foster finally tells us to stop I'm almost last. I'm lucky that volleyball doesn't involve much running otherwise I'd be screwed, for long periods of time at least. Once practice is done me and Atsumu head home. We had practice early this morning so it's only midday. 

"Want to go do something?" Atsumu asks.

"Sure. How about we go to an art gallery?" I ask.

Atsumu grins and nods. We get home and both shower before heading out again. We end up taking the bus to get to the gallery. I haven't taking a bus in a while. We sit beside an elderly lady who smiles at us sweetly. 

"What a nice pair of friends you are." She murmurs.

I glance at Atsumu to see his reaction. His eyes flash with panic and he nods while blushing. I don't know if he wants me to say anything or not. 

"I just think it's nice to see two boys who aren't afraid to sit close together. It's very refreshing." She continues. 

I smile but my eyes are cold. I hope she'll take the hint and stop talking. Nope.

"Do either of you have a girlfriend? I actually have a granddaughter she's single and very lovely." She questions. 

My eyes widen and I almost laugh. I grab Atsumu's hand.

"We're dating." I say simply.

"Oh my-" She stammers.

She looks completely shocked. Atsumu shifts around uncomfortably. I can't believe this is happening and that lady thought any of that questioning was appropriate. Serves her for being so nosy.

"What are you homophobic or something?" I hear myself asking.

People turn to look at us. The lady lifts her hands up and shakes them.

"N-no!" She whimpers.

"Really Kiyoomi?" Atsumu chides.

"What?" I reply.

He sighs and we sit in silence until the lady gets off at the next stop. 

"Do you think she was really planning to get off here?" I whisper.

"Kiyoomi-" Atsumu groans.

"Well was I just supposed to sit there and let her be so ignorant?" I ask.

"No but you could have been kinder." He replies.

"Well I'm not as nice as you." I mumble.

"Aw Kiyoomi that's not true." He giggles.

He rests his head on my shoulder and that lady is the last thing I care about. When we get off the bus we're now downtown. The buildings are giant and people walk by in their own world. Everyone and everything is moving. I follow Atsumu as he weaves through crowds. He stops at a large white building with lots of windows. When we go inside there's a front desk where you pay for admission. We pay and then get directions for the different galleries. Atsumu excitedly pulls me towards the abstract one. I find abstract art interesting but don't necessarily like it.  Atsumu seems to really like it though.

We move through the different galleries taking in all the beautiful art. We finally get to the last one. It's full of different sculptures all made by the same artist. They're big and made from marble. It's the same person sculpted in different positions. There's something in their expression that looks lonesome. In one their hands reach out in the air as if reaching for someone. 

"Huh." Atsumu murmurs.

I raise my eyebrows at him.

"They seem sad don't cha think?"

"I suppose." I reply.

Atsumu's nose wrinkles and he smiles. He grabs my hand.

"Well I'm glad I'm not lonely. I have you." He exclaims.

I smile gently at him.

"Me too." I reply softly.

We exit the museum and walk to find someplace to get dinner. We end up getting Korean BBQ. It's delicious and I feel a rush of happiness looking at Atsumu throughout the meal.

Atsumu's POV

After finishing dinner we stroll home. I'm so happy that Kiyoomi told me what was happening. It was so uncomfortable when we weren't talking. I understand that he has trouble talking about his family but I hope he can be more open in the future. We get home and watch one of our favorite documentaries. I cuddle up to Kiyoomi and smile.

Author's note: The situation with the lady on the bus is my worst nightmare-

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