Chapter 5

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Trigger warning: Mentions of abuse 

Atsumu's POV

I paced around my bedroom thinking hard. What do people wear on a date? Should I wear something formal or casual? I sit down on my bed and sigh. Kento crawls onto my stomach and lays there. Being around him is so much easier than any human. Sorting through my closet I settle on a pair of dress pants and a button up shirt. I pet Kento and walk out the apartment. Kita's invited me to a very fancy restaurant. When I told Osamu he told me it was one of the most expensive restaurants in Japan. I haven't gone in a date in a while. I dated a couple random people in high school but there was nothing too serious.  Kita is a really great person but I'm not really interested in him. I didn't really want to go but Osamu said it would be good for me. 

Sakusa's POV

I want Atsumu to come back. The apartment feels warmer and safer when he's here. I know he's on a date with Kita. I hate Kita not because he's a bad person but because he can have Atsumu and I can't. But Atsumu deserves to have someone who loves him who's not a cat. I sigh as I turn into a human. I need to control my emotions. Feeling lonely I walk into Atsumu's room throw on one of his hoodies and collapse. Something wet falls onto my cheeks and I realize I'm crying. One of the worst things about being a human is crying. In the bathroom I wash my face and try and ignore the feeling in my stomach. 

Atsumu's POV

Kita smiles gently at me and reaches to grab my hand. It's taking all my willpower to not run away. I feel like throwing up. Soft jazz music plays around us. The rest of the restaurant is full of other couples. Kita has this dazed happy look on his face. I don't deserve that expression. I don't even want to be here. 

"Atsumu-" Kita starts.

Lucky for me our server comes with the food. The restaurant mainly serves ramen which we both ordered. Mine is tonkotsu and Kita is miso. I grab my chopsticks and quickly slurp some noodles. Maybe if I focus on my food he'll do the same?

"Atsumu I'm so glad you agreed to go on this date with me." Kita admits.

He's blushing and looks flustered. I can't take this anymore. I stand up abruptly. Grabbing my coat I push in my chair. Kita stares at me confused.

"I- I'm sorry I shouldn't have led you on. I can't do this. I don't deserve all this." I stammer.

Kita eyes glisten and his head drops to his chest. I sprint out feeling a mix of guilt and embarrassment for us both. Hailing a taxi I get home as fast as I can. I stare out the window at the dark sky. Why didn't I just tell him no? I knew as soon as I heard the words coming out of his mouth days ago. Ding! I got a text.


How's the date going?

Feeling like crying I leave him on read and turn off my phone. Finally I arrive back at my apartment complex. I thank the driver and tip them. Running up the stairs I feel a sense of relief to be home. The apartment is dark and Kento's not in the kitchen or the living room. I duck into my bedroom and scream. There's a guy in my bed! Just lying there. He's sleeping in my bed! How the hell did he get in here? I locked the door! The apartment looks normal I don't think he stole anything. Is he wearing my hoodie? I go into my kitchen and grab my cast iron skillet. 

"What are you doing here! How did you get in here. If I need to I will knock you out with this." I yell waking him up. 

His eyes open slowly and he blinks at me. I see a panic in his eyes. He curls into himself and then the weirdest thing happens. His body flickers and morphs. A tail and ears sprout his eyes change color. Breathing raggedly he lets out a groan before becoming a cat?!? Not just a cat but KENTO?  I start to full on scream. I'm losing my mind! Am I high or drunk? Did the restaurant try and slip me something? 

"K-kento? What is going on!" I scream. 

Once again Kento's body seems to shift again back into a human. When he speaks his voice is surprisingly calming. 

"My name isn't Kento. It's Sakusa well that's my last name. I'm a werecat a shapeshifter. I can turn into a cat or a human." Sakusa answers his tone even. 

Even though he sounds calm his eyes still have the animal fear in them. Gently I put the pan down. If someone told me that I thought they were insane but I saw it with my own eyes.  

"Are you serious?" I ask.

Sakusa laughs and says "Do you think that any person can do that?".

"No." I murmur. 

I sit down next to him. Sakusa though odd is a very attractive person. His hair is curly and looks soft. Without thinking I run my fingers through is hair. I was right. He stares blankly at me. 

"Why were you outside that alley when I found you?" I ask.

"My old owner abused me. I was found as a stray and taken to a pound. I couldn't escape it was too risky. He adopted me and for a while was really nice. But then he started drinking and treating me terribly. After months of doing that he decided to push me out that window. Then you found me. I don't know why I stayed. Maybe I thought he would change." Sakusa explains. 

His eyes cloud over and he stares at the ceiling for a second before glancing at me. I don't know what to think. Here I thought I had a pet cat but he's actually a shape shifting cat? That seems insane and I suppose it is. I laugh and Sakusa glances at me.

"I'm sorry that happened to you." I say finally.

"Yeah well thanks for giving me food and taking care of me." Sakusa murmurs. 

"I-if you want you could keep leaving here. It's been nice to have company." I stammer.

Sakusa blushes and smiles. Nodding his head he curls up next to me. Is it hot in here? I must be blushing too. Sakusa's body flickers as he turns into a cat. I brush his tiny bangs and close my eyes. 

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