Chapter 7

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Oct 15th; 3:04pm, living room

The two weeks had almost past. I got to a bit more exiting mission, warmed up with most of the Avengers, but after the "boyfriend" - thing some a few days ago, things changed. Bucky became a bigger asshole for some reason, the team constantly asked for pictures, and Steve became more distant.

"Hey, can we talk?" I asked Rogers who sat on the couch watching some documentary. "Sure" He turned it off and looked at me. "What is wrong," I asked while sitting down. "What do you mean?" I took a deep breath and looked at him. "You became distant, and we don't really talk to each other." He faced me with an annoyed look on his face. "Well, I was just surprised that you didn't tell me about your boyfriend." I laughed, and I sighed with relieve. "Oh god, I thought I did something bad." Actually I thought he found out about Venom somehow. He looked angry at me. "Well, you kinda did." "Steve, there is no Vector." I whispered in his ear and giggled. "Wha- What do you mean?" "Wanda made him up. She almost said something really stupid, I stopped her, Bucky became curious, and then she lied about Vector." I closed Steve's mouth which he had opened, and then he rubbed his eyes.

"So no boyfriend?" "No boyfriend. Why do you even care so much?" He shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't know why. "But, can you keep it a secret? That he is imaginary? Visiting him is a good excuse to go out and avoiding Natasha with her trainings plan." "Under one condition. You join the team. You are a pretty good fighter, and we could use your help." I thought about it for a second. "Just say yes," "Okay deal" I put my hand out to shake it, but he ignored it and hugged me. "You know, I am not really into hugging, captain." I said, and he let go of me.

3:32pm, Bedroom;

Bucky's POV:

I just finished training, so I got to my room to take a shower in the little bathroom Morgan and I shared. Just two more days and then, she is finally gone. I got out of the elevator, stood in front of my door, when I heard Morgan on the phone talking with this Vector. "No, you'll have to wait. They aren't ready to meet you yet. What if they kick me out? Or even worse.... Oh Jesus Christ stop yelling at me, you idiot... Hello? Are you seriously ignoring me now? Okay, no chicken for you tonight." She yelled at the phone. After one more minute I walked in, and acted like I didn't hear anything.

I took my clothes off, and entered the shower. The hot water, slightly burned on my skin, but I didn't mind. I washed my long hair with her shampoo since mine was empty. After half an hour I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "What?!" I yelled. "Hurry up, I also need to shower!" Morgan yelled back. I stayed another half an hour in the bathroom, just to annoy weirdo. She waited at the door, and I after I got out, she immediately stormed in. I rolled my eyes, and kept drying my hair with the towel in my hand.

I waited until I heard the water from the shower, and searched for the book she kept reading. I looked everywhere and after a few minutes I finally found it. It looked like it would fall if you hold it to tight. I carefully opened it and there was a name written down on the first page. Elisabeth Miller. I turned one page and started reading.

Dear diary, 12.01.1986

Toady I met the love of my life, John Brock. He is smart, athletic and a real gentleman. He is new in town and today was his first day in school. John sat next to me in our English class, and it was love at first sight. He asked me to sit next to him while lunch break, so we can get to know each other a little better. We have so much in common! He likes dogs, basketball and wants to move to New York one day, and be a detective in the NYPD. He is a good listener, and so handsome!

I kept reading and didn't even notice the bathroom door opening. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Morgan yelled at me, and the book fell out of my hands. "EVER HEARD SOMETHING ABOUT PRIVACY?!" She yelled and picked the book up. "Who is Elisabeth Miller?" Morgan kept ignoring me, and put a coat on. "Where are you going? You gonna get sick, idiot. Hey I am talking to you!" I grabbed her wrist and turned her around. She clenched her jaw and looked angry at me. "Say her name one more time, and I'll kill you." She got out, with her phone and the book in her hand. I hesitated but then followed her, but she was already gone.

5:05pm, on the street

Mórrígan's POV:

I kept walking around and tried to calm down. "You overreacted." Venom suddenly said and I stooped. "Excuse me? Since when are you on his side?" I asked the parasite. "I am not on his side! But, you could just lie to him, or tell him about her." I started walking again. "Why should I tell him anything? He has to respect my privacy and not snooping in my stuff. And you know I don't like talking about her." People around me started to stare at me, but I didn't care at that moment. "But," "Venom, one more word, and I will walk into a burning building."

We kept walking and hoped for a little snack. "If we don't find anyone, maybe we could go eat some pizza and buy tater tots for later?" I suggested and Venom liked the idea. I pulled out my phone to search a pizza place nearby, and saw that the team tried to call me a few times. Even Bucky tried to reach me. "Should we call them back?" "No."

5:41pm, store,

We ate the pizza pretty fast and decided to go to a random store after that. "So, where are the tater tots?" I got to the back of the freezer of the store. "There!" Venom pointed with my arm to a pack with Ore-Ida tater tots. "Those?" "YES," I grabbed the pack and went to the check-out. I paid with the card Stark gave me and left the store. After we left a man with a gun entered the store. We hid on the wall and waited. A few minutes later he left with a full trash bag with probably money in it.

I sighed. "Not one day, without some asshole thinking it's a good idea to take stuff which doesn't belong to him." I hesitated but then followed him, grabbed his arm and pushed him into an alley. "Look, you have two options. You give me the money, and leave or-" He interrupted me with pressing the gun against my stomach. "Listen to me bitch, I will shoot you if you don't leave me alone." I stepped a few feet away and put my hands in the air. "Then do it. But you won't like what happens after that." I smiled at him, and he actually pulled the trigger. "Oh look at that. I am bleeding." I touched the wound and looked at the blood on my fingers. It hurt like shit, but I wanted to act tough. "Venom, your turn." The man looked confused, but then looked like he saw a ghost after male venom appeared. "Give me the money." The man gave him the bag, extremely shaking. "Thank you," Venom smiled, opened his mouth and ate the man. We transformed back, and I picked up the tater tots that fall to the ground.

"Did you have to eat him? We already had pizza" "He called you a bitch." "I know, but that doesn't mean you had to eat him." I looked at the whole in my shirt, which had blood on it. "That was one of my favorites."

We reentered the store and I put the trash bag on the counter. "Here, I think this is yours." I smiled at the old man, and he looked in the bag. "How did you get that?" He asked me and I just smiled. "I talked to him." He came up to me, and shook my hand with both of his and thanked me. "Do you need anything? Do you want money?" "No, I don't need anything." "Please tell me what you want." "A shirt." I looked down and remembered the hole in my with blood covered T-shirt. "How about a fresh shirt?" He looked at my old one, his eyes widen in shock, but then he nodded. He left for a second and came back with a gray shirt. "That is one of mine but better than nothing." I took the shirt, thanked him and then left the shop. We walked back to the alley and I quickly changed. 

A venomous woman,Mórrígan Brock x Bucky Barnes (enemies to more)Where stories live. Discover now