Chapter 16

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Oct:18th; 03:21am; Mórrígan's Bedroom

I woke up, by the sound of someone screaming. I grabbed the gun, I smuggled in to my room a few days ago, and got up. The screaming became louder, and I noticed, they were coming out of Bucky's room. Without any hesitation, I stormed in and looked around. Barnes laid in his bed, covered with sweat. His short hair was messy, and he kept moving around.

"Hey, Bucky. It's just a dream. Shhh..." I sat down next to him, and rubbed his flesh arm. Suddenly, he sat straight up, grabbing me by my neck, and turned us around. He sat on top of me, his hand tightening around my throat. Barnes loosened his grip as soon, as he realized, that I am not someone, who wants to kill him. He slowly got up from my lap and sat next to me.

"Sorry for choking you... I- Just had a nightmare and didn't know where I was..." He whispered and looked down at his hands. "I mean it's not the first time you choked me." I chuckled, and he did too. "Did I wake you, up?" He asked softly, and I shrugged my shoulders. Before I could say something, Nat and Steve stormed in. She was holding a gun, and he held his shield in his right hand.

"We heard screaming!" Steve yelled and scanned the room, with his eyes. I got up from the bed, and clapped my hands. "Mr. Metalarm had a nightmare, and I checked on him. Nothing to worry about." I smiled at them, and then left in my room again.

I was just about to drift back to sleep, when someone knocked on my door. It was Steve. He entered and sat down, on the chair, which stood on the desk I never used. "How are you?" He asked with a gentle voice, and I sat up. "Tired, but I am okay. What about Barnes?" I asked him. "Uhm... His nightmares came back. In the two weeks, YOU and HIM shared a room, he only had them ones." I knew where this was going. "What do you want?" I asked and raised my eyebrow.

He gulped and started to stutter. "Steve, just say it." "Can you stay with him? Just for tonight. So he won't feel alone. I mean you two are used to sharing a- a bed." I would sound like an asshole if I would say no, right? I hesitated but then agreed. Those stupid puppy eyes Rogers made...

I grabbed a pillow, and a blanket and got back to Bucky's new room. Natasha was already gone, so it was just the three of us: Steve, Buck and I. "Why are you brining your pillow and- No, Steve No. I told you I was fine! I do not need to-" Barnes argued, before I cut him of.

"Believe me when I tell you, I don't really want this either. But, Steve thinks, it'll help you, when someone is near you. So scoop over, and stop acting like a child!" I pointed my finger at him, and his eyes widened. I placed my pillow as far away as possible, from Barnes and sat down.

"Good night, you two." Steve said and then left. Barnes turned the lights out, and we laid down. I turned my back on him, and closed my eyes. Bucky kept shifting around, and I knew why: He couldn't stop thinking about this dream.

"Do you want to talk about it? Your nightmare-" "You said, the winter soldier wanted to kill you." He said, and I turned to face him. "How- What did I do?" His voice broke a little, while talking. "Bucky-" "Please... I want to know if what I dreamed about was real." He begged me and I sighed. His nightmare was probably the same, as mine, just from another point of view.

"Well first of all, that wasn't you. It was the winter soldier. Big difference." I stopped talking, trying to choose the right words, so he wouldn't think even worse about himself.

"I ran away. I just escaped the facility, after they did multiple test on me. One of them, is the reason I hear this voice in my head. I felt like shit. I threw up a lot, and ate. I had fever, but I was also cold. One day after the escape, I walked around in the streets, it was cold. Out of sudden-" I took another deep breath. "I noticed a man following me in the shadows. I thought it was a hallucination, until the winter soldier grabbed my wrist, and turned me around. Before I could say anything, he pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the stomach. I fell to the ground, and crawled away. He kicked me. I begged him to stop, but he didn't. He asked where it was, but I didn't know what he meant. Then he shot me in the face."

I looked at Barnes and saw, tears on his face. Then I did something, I never thought I would never do again: I hugged him. I placed his head on my chest, and ran my hand through his hair. He cried even harden, and wrapped his arms around me. "Shhh... That wasn't you. It's not your fault."

We sat there for what felt like hours. Barnes eventually fell asleep in my arms. I laid down, covering him with his blanket and then myself with mine. After a few minutes, I also fell asleep.


I hope you liked it, even if it was kinda short.
I am currently writing a Loki story, and I wanted to ask you guys, if you want me to upload it, too.

Oh, and ask me some random questions in the comments, I am bored.

Stay safe <3

A venomous woman,Mórrígan Brock x Bucky Barnes (enemies to more)Where stories live. Discover now